
by Englishman 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    American foriegn policy stinks, along with puppet Bush and his administration.

    In spite of this, I would much rather like a McDonalds or Burger King in my neighbourhood than a huge statue of some crazy Ummah or Islamic dictator.

    We slag off the yanks, but i'd much rather want them calling the shots than some Ayatollah basing everything on a religious textbook that leaves us back in the dark age.

    Huy'p !!!!!

  • Simon
    Opposed or hostile to the government, official policies, or people of the United States

    I think this is a very poor definition by simple logic:

    When a party is not in power (said to be 'in opposition') then does their being oppsed to the government make then anti-American?

    So, the Republicans must be anti-American because the Democrats were in power and vice versa!

    Of course it's bunkum.

    I think a better question would be: is something America-Bashing or America-Bitching

  • Englishman
    We slag off the yanks, but i'd much rather want them calling the shots than some Ayatollah basing everything on a religious textbook that leaves us back in the dark age.

    See, IMHO, real anti-Americanism comes from the likes of fundamentalists as the aforementioned ayatollahs.

    Now for these guys, only total self-annihilation by America would get even remotely close to them expressing approval.

    Hamas obviously feels very strongly about American FP, but even then he recognises Americas value.


  • stillajwexelder

    Margaret Thatcher once famously said " in recent history all our (Britains) problems have come from inside Europe, and all our solutions from outside" -- in other words from the US. Europe and particularly France was grateful for American help during the 1st and 2nd World Wars, Europe and the world was grateful for Ronal Reagan in the early 1980s when America went on a spending binge and pulled the world out of recession, most countries are grateful when America(ns) buys their goods and helps that countries trade balance --I see no end of people from all over the wolrd heading to the US on planes when I cross the atlantic -- to sell America their goods etc --- oh yes it is easy to be pro-american then -- but just once when America asked for help , just once, you had one country who shall remain nameless but they like frogs actively went campaining to get memebrs of the UN Security council to vote against them -- it was disgustingly anti-American. France was a defeated nation in WW2 -- and it is the victors that write the rules-- but the US generously let General De Gaule ride at the head into Paris and Britain /USA generously made France (a defeated nation), a permanent member of the UN Security Council - yes americans have faults -- but they are a good people -- give me an American any day over any wingeing whining bastard from the rest of the world. And of course Europe was happy to shelter under American NATO nuclear umbrella for 50 years during the cold-war

  • Simon

    I agree ... frequently we object to what is being done but it just happens to be America that is doing it.

    eg. forcing GM crops on us

    I don't want GM crops. It isn't that I don't want American crops.

  • teejay

    Change the "or" to "and" in's definition and you are really, REALLY close to what "anti-American" really is.

  • plmkrzy
    I intend to moderate my own thread so that no insults or name calling appear here. So I shall ruthlessly *ZAP* any snide comments.

    You would make a good southren american englishman.

  • plmkrzy

    oh and btw, I love mr. bean!

  • stillajwexelder

    simon says I don't want GM crops. It isn't that I don't want American crops.

    Why -- man has being genetically modifying crops by selectivity since time began ? Why the irrationality against GM crops --you can not be like King Canute and hold back the tide of progress forever? GB by the way is amongst the worse for Genetic research -- University College London, Imperial College London, Nottingham and Cambridge -- check it out if you do not believe me - do not forget who unravelled DNA/Genetic code research Crick and Watson -- at Oxford

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    If a person keeps repeating "I'm not a racist" over and over then what that make you think?

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