What Will Happen If You Do NOT Get The Covid Vaccinations?

by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Queequeg

    I already looked like that!

  • Simon
    But what happens if you decide you aren’t going to get the shots?

    Haven't you watched John Carpenter's "They Live!" movie?!

    If you don't get the vaccine, you'll be able to see the alien overlords!


  • minimus

    Damn, video unavailable due to copyright issues.

  • Rocketman123

    Once government health officials see through data that 80 % their population has been vaccinated and case numbers drop dramatically, they will assume herd immunity has be established and therefore social restrictions can be lifted.

    So please get vaccinated, not just for yourself but your immediate family too and the betterment of everyone in your local community.

  • titch

    Well, coming from a person who has HAD both dosages---and am feeling just fine---I will say that I CHOSE to get the vaccinations, because of the POSSIBILITY of contracting the disease if I didn't get the vaccinations. You see, Folks, I am an Oldie, and Old-Ager, an Old-Timer, a Senior Citizen. And, about 7 years ago I went through the experience of having CHF, or congestive heart failure, for which I was in a local hospital of about 10 days. So, knowing that COVID-19 CAN have detrimental effects on persons of may age with a prior cardiovascular condition, I chose to get the vaccination. Now, sure, I know that there is NO guarantee that the vaccination will prevent me from contracting the malady. But, still, I wanted to stay on the "safe side." It's the same reason that I choose to get a flu vaccination each year, due to my age, and what the flu can do to persons of my age. This explains things from my perspective. Best Regards...


  • minimus

    Titch, 👌👍

  • iXav
    Now, sure, I know that there is NO guarantee that the vaccination will prevent me from contracting the malady. But, still, I wanted to stay on the "safe side."

    Definitely makes sense.

  • MeanMrMustard
    Once government health officials see through data that 80 % their population has been vaccinated and case numbers drop dramatically, they will assume herd immunity has be established and therefore social restrictions can be lifted.

    I disagree. That's precisely when they start to lock down because of "variants".

  • Vidiot
    minimus - "What will happen if you do NOT get the Covid vaccinations?"

    "Re-Neducation", of course.

  • Rocketman123

    I disagree. That's precisely when they start to lock down because of "variants"

    The vaccines been distributed right now are able to counter the new Covid variants that are appearing, hopeful it will stay that way.

    As long as that happens there is no reason to not lift social restrictions.

    There is most likely going to be a small number of cases that popup in the years to come but they should be quite small in numbers as the entire populations get vaccinated.

    So once everyone gets vaccinated from the elderly to small children, we can look forward to having the social restrictions lifted.

    Most modernized wealthy countries are on tract to have all of their citizens vaccinated by the end of this summer.

    Unfortunately being that some poor countries cant afford the vaccinations, there most likely will be travel bans in place to those countries who are behind their vaccination programs, at least for the immediate future.

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