How many child molesters do you personally know of in the J.W's?

by karter 33 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    1) Personally know this piece of filth:

    Last I heard he was DF'd for boinking a sister, but is trying to come back. He sure loves Jehovah!

    2) Also know a MS who worked as a school bus driver and was distributing child pornography. Got nailed by the FBI and sent to prison for a few years.

    What did the elders do?


    At the time, watching porn was not a disfellowshippable offense, probably one of the reasons why the Borg changed the rules on porn (no "abhorrent" forms of porn).

    Thank god that Satan's evil system protects children! Jehovah's org doesn't give a shit.

  • Vidiot
    breakfast of champions - "...Also know a MS who worked as a school bus driver and was distributing child pornography. Got nailed by the FBI and sent to prison for a few years. What did the elders do? Nothing..."

    And it never once even occurred to these geniuses that doing nothing wouldn't "bring reproach on Jehovah's name"?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    And it never once even occurred to these geniuses that doing nothing wouldn't "bring reproach on Jehovah's name"?


    I was an elder in the "sister congregation" (shared the same hall) when this went down. . . talked/ranted AT LENGTH about this with one of the elders on the comittee. . . made it quite clear that not DF-ing this sicko was absolutely insane. He basically said, Don't worry that he's not DF'd; he'll be in federal prison in a couple of months anyway.

    Again, thank goodness for Satan's evil system.

  • Diogenesister
    B.O.C.was an elder in the "sister congregation" (shared the same hall) when this went down. . . talked/ranted AT LENGTH about this with one of the elders on the comittee. . . made it quite clear that not DF-ing this sicko was absolutely insane. He basically said, Don't worry that he's not DF'd; he'll be in federal prison in a couple of months anyway.
    Again, thank goodness for Satan's evil system.

    As I always say, its not the Orgs reputation to outsiders that matters, by actually to those within the organization - In other words its only keeping the sheeple in the dark that really matters, after all information control ensures they don't read or trust outside sources.

  • carla

    Face it, you all know one if you have been a member of a kh.

    Didn't someone post once that a CO (current title?) said that every kh has at least one? and that is only the 'one' that they know about.

    I had a meeting with an elder once (long ago when mine was first joining up) and I brought up the pedophile issue all those years ago and he admitted to having a 'situation' in his cong, I pressed him and he ended up admitting to letting the guy go scott-free because there weren't 2 witnesses. My soon to be baptized jw sat there with deer in the headlights the whole while because we jumped around from one subject to the next jw fashion, he couldn't keep up because he didn't know anything other than what his 'study guy' had told him about the org/doctrines. Made me physically ill, the whole thing.

  • Vidiot
    Diogenesister - "As I always say, its not the Orgs reputation to outsiders that matters, by actually to those within the organization - In other words its only keeping the sheeple in the dark that really matters, after all information control ensures they don't read or trust outside sources."

    I agree, that's its numero uno reason...

    ...anything that might cast suspicions amongst the rank-and-file that the WTS might not be "God's Earthly Organization" absolutely must be ruthlessly quelled, from their POV.

    Lately, though...

    ...I'm willing to bet that outside scrutiny is weighing a lot more on their minds than before. :smirk:

  • jp1692

    About two years after I left the religion, I was very disturbed to learn that a MS that had been in my congregation about a decade previously had been sexually abusing a 14-year old girl in another congregation nearby.

    It didn’t come out until about nine years later when the girl—now a young woman—went to the police.

    The man was arrested and served a year in prison with a year of probation after that. He is still listed on websites as a registered sex offender.

    It was well reported on in the local papers at the time of his arrest.

    Apparently no one knew about it at the time, except of course the guilty party and his unfortunate victim.

    It’s good she had the courage to later come forward and hold her abuser accountable for his crimes.

    I later heard roundabout that the perp was reinstated and accepted back into the congregation.

    In sharp contrast and in typical JW fashion, the young woman was kicked out and ostracized for outing her attacker and “bringing reproach on Jehovah and his organization.”

    Let’s review: It’s a cult!

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    There was one in my congregation. He got away with meeting up with a young girl on the internet because of money in the family paying out. Married a 14 -15 year old from another country.

  • Vidiot
    jp1692 - "...In sharp contrast and in typical JW fashion, the young woman was kicked out and ostracized for outing her attacker and 'bringing reproach on Jehovah and his organization'...”


    Jaracz's legacy strikes again.

  • Vidiot
    breakfast of champions - "Right?!?!?!!!"

    My late father was an elder a long time ago, and this subject actually came up when I was a kid, specifically the matter of the two-witness rule, and protecting the congregation from "reproach".

    I said to him, "...wouldn't it bring even more 'reproach' if the police discovered that it happened, and we got in trouble for not telling them? We'd be respected a lot more if we did..." (paraphrasing, but that's the gist).

    I was only about 10 years old, but even then I still could grasp that...

    ...but he looked at me like that had never even occurred to him (he was one of those old-school JWs who firmly believed that "The World was out to get us, so don't give them any ammunition").

    To his credit, he didn't get angry... mom, whose opinion he highly valued (she was a very intelligent teacher), sided with me.

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