Would you have married your spouse if you weren't both JWs?

by 3rdgen 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    I married me Ex Spouse because I had sexual intercourse before marriage with him. I believed by marrying him my sin would be glossed over. Instead what it led to was a 16 year marriage of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Not until I saw first hand the emotional and physical abuse by him to our daughter did I start to think outside the box. This is a common story for JW women. More and more of us are breaking free.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Women can be abusive also, I shouldn't have left when she broke a coke bottle on

    my head.

  • Heartsafire

    There is no way on earth my husband would have married me if I wasn't a JW. If we weren't JW's I probably would've married him (the religion thing wasn't a factor for me), but the sad part is that he lied about himself all through our dating. He told me he wanted a family and kids--nope! He said he loves camping and the outdoors--hell no! He claimed he respected women--not a chance! I'm really bitter over my marriage lately. I feel totally duped.

  • jwfacts
    Like The Girl Next Door I had sex before marriage and felt like I had no option but to get married. I had no idea who I was or what I wanted. Without the pressure of religious expectations I would not have married anyone when I did.
  • FadeToBlack

    I would not have met her if we weren't JW's. If we had met as non-JW's, there might have been some physical attraction, but I doubt she would marry me. Looking back, just being JW's and needing a partner, was not a good basis for a marriage. We were both single parents and I thought it would be a win-win. Was I ever wrong!

  • TheOldHippie
    This is a thread I sincerely hope no-one will respond to.
  • jookbeard
    no not a chance, I doubt we'd have even met, very little in common, would have had a completely different circle of friends , academically she was very bright, and would have gone on to university and ended up in a decent job, I was just a lowly worker, she often said it as well.
  • 3rdgen

    the girl next door,

    I wish you did live next door. lol Getting married to either "legitimately" have sex or out of guilt for already having it is a terrible foundation for marriage. So sorry you and your child suffered abuse but glad you are free now.

    James M,

    Ouch!! Yes, I know some very abusive women.


    Yikes! Duped by your religion then your husband. I'm sorry

    JW facts,

    Yes, you stated one of the points I was trying to make. Religious pressure to take one of the biggest steps in life yet not preparing the followers to make a wise decision about who and when they marry.


    The fact that you would never have met shows me that you had little in common but the religion. When one or both of you leave the religion you can be left wondering "what if" or worse.

    Old hippy,

    YOU responded! lol If you mean you hope everyone would have a great marriage despite the influence of the cult I agree. However, this is supposed to be a safe place to vent , share ideas, and hopefully be of encouragement to each other. Some have left a cult but are not free from the effects of the decisions we made under it's influence.


    I hear ya. Sounds like the marriage is past tense no?

  • sherrie11

    No! I married because I thought that was I needed in order to complete the process of being dedicated to Jehovah! He was nothing like me!

    Thank god it was a very brief marriage!

    Cult indoctrinated Me!

  • jookbeard
    oh yes 3rdgen, we married in 1990, never thought we would even last a year, we soldiered on for five years divorced in 1995, no kids, I gave her a scriptural divorce she remarried a brother she met in Spain

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