California Recall Debate-- Listen Live --Entertainment!!!

by Vita Nuova 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova

    Anyone interested, who is not a California resident, yet wants to listen to the debate click here and listen live!

  • freedom96

    GO ARNOLD!!!!

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova

    Best Remarks yet:

    Arrianna Huffington: blah, blah, blah.. Republicans...blah, blah, blah, tax loop-holes!!!

    Arnold: Are you talking about tax loopholes? You've got the biggest tax loophole of all that I could drive my Hummer through it!

  • JeffT

    Oh great, Huffington just proposed public funding of campaigns. Just what California needs, more porn stars running for office with taxpayer dollars.

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova

    Arianna obviously has no other purpose in this debate than to use it as her own personal op-ed forum, replete with anti-Bush invective. Despicable.

    Arnold: If you wanted to attack President Bush then you're in the wrong race. You're in the wrong state. You should be in New Hampshire right now!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Watched most of the debate... not bad. Ariana is such an airhead.... "focus Ariana, focus...."


    I watched most of it live here in sactown

    what a load !


  • sunshineToo

    This is so funny that only California can do this, I guess. I still doubt Arnold.

    I'm just hoping my car registration fee won't go up triple next year.

  • caligirl

    Hopefully that tripled car tax will be repealed. It is insane and useless as far as the miniscule amount of $$ it will generate in comparison to the deficit.

  • Yerusalyim

    McClintock had the best performance...Arnold performed well...Ariana...well, she's Ariana...I even think Camejo did a better job than Cruz...and I dispise the Green Party. Was Cruz even on the dias?

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