Breaking: PIMI wife getting food basket from farms to table via WT society

by goingthruthemotions 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    Bottom line is this.

    She came in from the weekly meeting, we sitting and talking and she said. The society is giving us some food. they said it was coming form Farms to table and they going to give everyone a basket or box.

    I said, you know it's not from the org, its from the government who is providing origanizations with charity status these oportunities.

    She said I know, but it's a good thing org is giving it to us. and i's no different than someone going down and to a food distribution place and getting there own. Crickets is all i heard.

    I said, that is why it is so important that we donate to these places that distribute food and clothes to those in need.

    she agreed.

    I find it funny that the BORG is now stating it's coming from Farm to table and not from them. word must have gotten out. I hope it wakes people up. It wont wake my wife, she is not in it because of scripture or doctrine. it's a sociol club for her,

  • truth_b_known
    ...she is not in it because of scripture or doctrine. it's a sociol club for her.

    You have just described over 90% of "faithful" Jehovah's Witnesses in the post Stay Alive Til '75 organization.

  • carla

    Pretty much how it went down in my house too!

  • waton

    Where are you still going, coming home from meetings?

  • goingthruthemotions

    I built her an outside she shed...fully furnished or some refer to it as a dog house for me

  • OnTheOutside

    My PIMI wife's congregation had the same thing. Apparently the assembly hall was the central distribution point. Some elders went to that city and brought food back for local distribution from their kingdom hall. Here is the message sent to my wife:

    It continues to amaze us how Jehovah cares for us spiritually and physically in these critical last days. In a world surrounded by chaos and unrest, we can have peace of mind knowing Jehovah and his organization provide for his people. Regarding the provisions for our congregation we wanted to provide some clear direction:
    1) These provisions are for us as a congregation. We may think that it is for only those that truly need it. However, in harmony with the direction to stay at home as much as possible and avoid crowded areas these provisions will assist many of us in doing that.
    2) If we really do not need any extra provisions, do we know of someone that could use our share? Could we come to the Kingdom Hall and drop it off for them?
    3) When coming to pick up your provisions please bring some grocery bags and possibly a cooler.
    4) Please wear PPE (i.e. masks and gloves) when coming to the KH.
    5) The provisions can be picked up at the Kingdom Hall from 11am-1pm

    For those who are of higher risk, we have several brothers and sisters that are willing to drop provisions off for you. Please respond to this email or contact [elder name]. He is helping organize this.
    With Love,
    [congregation name]
  • Overrated

    And don't forget to donate to the borg!

  • Late Bloomer
    Late Bloomer
    I said, you know it's not from the org, its from the government who is providing origanizations with charity status these oportunities.

    Say what?

    My mother was bragging on the food she got from the society's farms. I just assumed it was true. I'm not near her so I can't examine it. How did you find this out?

  • ThinkerBelle

    It's a program the USDA put out for non profits. In our area it was supposed to be kept "hush hush" and not spoken about publicly. Was trying to figure that one out because it's a known program. My only guess is that the website lists "church" and they don't want to be known as such....maybe. I dunno, but this is the world government providing.....not dear ol' guy upstairs. All the churches can get it. 😂

  • goingthruthemotions

    Late bloomer and tinkerbell., my wife came straight out and said it was farms to table that gave to the borg. That's when I enlightened her about it being a government program. So here elders must have straight up told the sheeple it is coming from the government. I have expounded on here it's from the government. And btw... she got the box of items. All in all, I would say it's about 15 to 20 dollars worth of stuff and I am being generous. Maybe about 1 or 2 meals. Just potatoes, carrots, apples and onions. If this is what jehovah is providing for his people. Damnnnnnnn you would think he would control the governments more to give more to his chosen people.

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