I did not go to the one day Assembley!!!

by Singing Man 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • heathen

    I'm willing to bet that one of the topics of discussion was to not visit apostate websites for they will only plant seeds of doubt by showing exactly where the WTBTS is wrong .

  • mizpah

    "one day assembly?"

    That would be a breeze compared to the 8 day assemblies we used to have in NYC. There was no escape from the heat in the stadium made worst by having to watch the fountains on the field. There were afternoon and evening sessions that we were told not to miss. Mornings were suppose to be for field service. We had to tote three or four small children back and forth on the subway. And most of us did this on our "vacation time" from work.

    Do we miss assemblies.... Not a chance!

  • shamus

    You made an excellent point in your post, that being,

    "...and listen to all the ways that you are not fulfilling your ministry."

    Ahmen to that! That is why my self-esteem was in the toilet! Do more! Do more! Do more! You have a problem? It's your fault, not ours....

    Good for you for enjoying the day! Don't go again! You won't ever miss it!

  • gumby


    But you really must ask your self...........had you gone.....what woul;d you have remembered at this moment? Does a dub really remember any thing other than stuff like......"we REALLY shouldn't be watching R rated movies"......and that type of thing?

    I used to really wonder what the sense of giving up days for assemlies was really worth when you took into consideration what you GAINED from it all. A day....or days..... spending money, to listen to something that will probably change not one thing about you,.... had you not gone.


  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    I was there in 1958 Polo Grounds it was a dusty heap to live in the tent city they made what a joke.

  • mizpah

    Singing man:

    Which one did you attend: Polo Grounds or the Tent City? We were at the Polo Grounds. At times, we had to sit in the hot sun. We had three little ones with us. We had to stand in those long cafeteria lines for lunch. It was quite an experience. One that I'm not anxious to repeat! We stayed with an old Jewish woman in the Bronx. We laughed when she asked us if we would like a nice drink of orange juice. We politely said we would. She said "Good, I'll take your oranges and squeeze them for you." We also ate a late meal in a Jewish Restaurant. We were the only Gentiles there. But the manager brought us over some delicious soup "on the house" to have with our meal. We appreciated his kindness.

    Looking back my wife and I wonder how we did it all. But after leaving the organization, we vowed never to attend another assembly of any kind. Now, we seek out the quiet refuge of national and state parks. We learn more about God in these places than we ever did at the assemblies.

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