No Respect

by StinkyPantz 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    Mrs Stinky Pantz...damn..I thought you were single

    Please send me an e-mail with all the areas you feel inexperienced in and please be as graphic and descriptive as possible

    I agree your opininons should not be dismissed because your a youngin.....

    Maybe its your devilish good looks and the way you constantly flip your hair from side to side giggling that throws people off

  • jgnat

    Dr. Watson, you nut! I resemble that remark!


    Older people seem to be set in their way and less open to change. Younger ones, though less experienced are more malleable, open. I think both groups can learn from each other though.

    Aha! A generalization of your own. I agree that generations can learn from each other, and it is beneficial to flex my brain around new concepts once in a while. You also help me make my point, though. Knowing your age does help me understand your point of reference. Age and experience DOES change our point of view on some matters.

  • StinkyPantz


    I luvs you!

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