JW.org and recruitment

by Illuminated 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    There is a very easy sanity check as for how much the jw.org / tv.jw.org actually help in terms of contacting people: Simply ask yourself when you went to lds.org, or scientology.com, or somewhere else and was so impressed by the site that you read several articles and thought about the information. this is how outsiders view jw.org.

    I am very sure the top brass view this as mostly an internal campaign and in terms of tv.jw.org this has IMHO pretty much been confirmed by the way the GB members say things on JW TV that makes little sense to outsiders (e.g. Anthony Morris in the last show said: "as many of you know I am a father"; this is not someone talking to an audience mainly composed of non-jws). 

  • Vidiot
    J-W-dot-org is about presenting the appearance of "mainstreaming", whilst keeping the internal policies unchanged.
  • OneEyedJoe

    bohm hit the nail on the head.  The website won't snag anyone who's looking at it cold.  It might help a little in cases where JWs meet someone preaching, and they go do a web search afterwards, since they may just find jw.org and only go there.  

    The only case where I can see it having any significant impact is in cases where someone has some personal exposure to JWs outside of the ministry.  They may get curious and look up the website and if they're sufficiently impressionable and sufficiently disenfranchised with whatever religion they were raised in, they might get caught up in the cult.  This is probably the main way they get recruits anyway though - acquaintances of JWs, not the d2d preaching.

  • Finkelstein

    Do you believe the marketing of  jay w org will convert more people or help inactive ones remain indoctrinated?

    In the perspective of cultivating new converts there may be a slight present advantage, mind you there is lot more information on the WEB against this religion, so encouraging people to use the WEB may actually provoke people to looking at information that is against it.

    A double edged sword is created.  


  • FayeDunaway
    Thank you awake at last, that's really interesting! I hope that happens to tons of inactive witnesses. I think so many live for so long with a very heavy guilt. To educate themselves, without that even being their first intent, heals the mind and heart.
  • Illuminated
    However, in my search for God, I am not looking for a company or a logo.

    That's a great point. I find it interesting how corporate the appearance of the logo is.

  • Illuminated
    The biggest wt 'witness ever' was given in August 2014, based entirely on the blue square.  and not one new recruit has so far showed up in our hall.

    Lol, needed a good laugh.

     I saw a post by a JW woman on a social network sight stating it made history.

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