Was Governing Body Member Gerritt Losch Ever Disfellowshipped?

by minimus 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • minimus

    A rumor has come around, saying current GB member Losch, was DF'd. As anyone heard of this???

  • logansrun

    Do you mean recently DFd? Wow -- now that would be newsworthy.


  • minimus

    Personally, for me, if he was DF'd 30 yrs. ago, that would be just as newsworthy. This comment is circulating and I'm wondering if there's any verification on this.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    min, I don't have info on that... but I think you're unclear on the first three letters in news...:)

  • Surreptitious

    Old news can be new news to some.


  • logansrun

    Why would it be so significant if he was DFd so long ago? Unless it was for child molestation or some heinous crime I can't see any reason this would hurt his "credentials."

    I'm a non-Christian, but didn't Jesus use Peter even though he made such serious mistakes? If anything, if he was DFd and is now a GB member that would show that the JWs don't hold people back if they have "sinned."


    PS -- I don't mean to play JW apologist, btw....but I simply am pointing out what logically comes to my mind

  • minimus

    First of all, a GB member, especially a younger one, should, according to the Society's standards, show that his whole life has been a testimony to his being anointed. No unfaithfulness of any sort should be able to be observed. The GB are supposed to be "holy men", without blemish, taking the lead without ever, ever leaving the truth because of wrongdoing. The standards are supposed to be the highest for qualification of the Governing Body .

  • logansrun
    First of all, a GB member, especially a younger one, should, according to the Society's standards, show that his whole life has been a testimony to his being anointed.

    Where does it ever state that one must have been "anointed" their whole life? Ray Franz didn't start partaking till after he was a CO.

    No unfaithfulness of any sort should be able to be observed.

    Really? Where does it state that? Are you just assuming?

    The GB are supposed to be "holy men", without blemish, taking the lead without ever, ever leaving the truth because of wrongdoing.

    Show me where it says that. Or is that in the "Minimus Book of "How I Think the GB Is Run"? I always had understood any "privelege" to be a reflection of that person's spirituality over the course of recent history -- like over the last ten years or so. You don't feel there is some sort of statute of limitations?

    The standards are supposed to be the highest for qualification of the Governing Body .

    Yes, but are you actually going to say that if someone is DFd over 30 years ago that that is a damning mark for all time? Oh my Christ, not even the JWs say that. Bradley....who's wondering if this is another one of those "The JWs can't ever do anything right, no, not ever" threads

  • minimus

    Logan, how long were you a JW?

  • logansrun


    All my life -- till fifteen months ago. I'm 26 and was a servant and pioneer for six years. I think I know enough about the organization to comment.


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