Do You Get Easily Offended By What People Do or Don’t Do?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Does using Uncle Ben’s food products offend you?

    Are you offended if you see a flag? What about a Confederate flag?

    Does it offend you to stand for the national anthem?

    Does it offend you to use the word “normal”? What about “he, she, grandmother or girls”???

    I am soo sick of the “ woke “ generation. Just go awayyyyy.

  • redvip2000

    I understand Columbia University will have segregated graduation this year (if you can believe that). One graduation for blacks, another for latin, another for transgender. Just insane stuff.

    The woke mob has gone so far to the extreme that they have done a full circle to pretty much what racists actually want.

  • minimus

    Good point!

  • Overrated

    I have a Confederate flag and by no means I'm a a racist. It's just a symbol of being a rebel. The South lost and so it's values. I don't promote it's values. But promote values of being free spirited. And that is for anyone of any color or creed.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Note that what we know as the confederate flag is not the flag the South fought under during the Civil War. Just small facts but they matter.

  • minimus

    The assumption is that if you have anything to do with a confederate flag you are automatically a racist.

  • Jeffro


    Do You Get Easily Offended By What People Do or Don’t Do?

    Also minimus:

    I am soo sick of the “ woke “ generation. Just go awayyyyy.

    Oh the irony. Sounds like you want everyone to just do the ‘reasonable’ thing and like all the things you like. 😂

    Other than choosing to be riled up by a mixture of real and imagined ‘woke’ complaints found in the media, very little of what the ‘woke’ crowd says or does actually affects you in any way.

  • frozen2018

    I have a Confederate flag

    Is it a Confederate flag or a Southern Cross? Doesn't matter, let it fly if you want.

    I get offended when people turn on their turn signal AFTER they start the turn. Why bother signaling at all? What the hell, people? Using a turn signal correctly is really not that difficult! Other than that I'm even tempered.

  • snare&racket

    The literally post daily in a ex-religious support group forum about your dismay at what people do and say that triggers you. On a daily basis you voice clearly your intolerance for actions and perspectives that differ from your political views. You did it in this very post! Honestly, your lack of personal insight in posting this is astounding.

    Maybe try not to get so easily offended by what others do or don't do....... just a suggestion!

  • frozen2018

    Minimus simply posed a question. I doubt he was suggesting he doesn't get offended. Maybe Minimus is surveying the crowd to come up with new posting material.

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