Question: What keeps the Watchtower Society going?

by Vitameatavegamin 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism
    60 minutes x 24 hours = 1440 minutes a day = 144,000 in 100 days.

    Wow! That is just so symmetrical... it must be... a sign!

    Blondie is our prophetess! *does obeisance*

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    No one said there'd be math involved...

  • JT
    As I listened, I was thinking how much easier it would be to take that avenue if you are 70 and only have to fake it for a few more years, rather than 20 or 30. All of this supports my theory that there are thousands, maybe 10s of thousands, or more, JWs who are sitting in KHs all over the world who are tuning out the drivel, staying below the radar, and living lives of quiet desperation, awaiting some miracle.


    i too agree i personally believe that in the years to come there will be no MASS EXODUS folks will just become Sunday Morning QB- smile

    i know jw who play lotto, who are involved sexually, others know about it but have decided NOT TO TURN THEM END

    in a few years i belive that for the most part jw will become more mainstream

    they will attend end of the year social functions on the job as long as they don't call it a christmas party- they will hang out more with worldy folks, they will prepare less for the meeting

    more will continue to quit the School- most halls can't run 3 or 2 schools to many cancelations

    so the downward spiral will continue

    will they end up with only 10,000 member probably not but what they will be left with will be some lazy SOB

  • Flip

    Don’t forget, there are large, secular industries such as, banks, real-estate brokers, press manufactures, the pulp and paper industry, truck manufactures, electrical utilities, etc. that have a financial interest in supporting a stable customer with a knack for acquiring a seemingly endless supply of tax-free cash.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Inertia . . .

  • arancia

    The thing that keeps the watchtower society going,is the fact that the top stay at the top very comfortably,while the little people are keept in the dark like mushrooms and feed with a lots of s.............t

  • mouthy

    One answer only THE DEVIL

  • minimus

    PEOPLE------People are always going to be people. There's always going to be a group that will want to belong, be a part of something, be in charge, be a leader, be a follower, etc. Every group has their idealists, their complainers, their doubters, their money-men, their "true believers". If there's a club that you CAN belong to, their will always be people running it and having members in it. So, as long as people exist, someone will always be a sponsor.

  • shotgun

    JT you shocked me with your comments

    i know jw who play lotto, who are involved sexually, others know about it but have decided NOT TO TURN THEM END

    I always feel like I won the lotto when I get sex as well...and dammit I think they should be turned end..end over end.

    You too arancia I could not believe my eyes when I read your post

    The thing that keeps the watchtower society going,is the fact that the top stay at the top very comfortably,while the little people are keept in the dark like mushrooms and feed with a lots of s.............t

    It makes me sick to know people are being fed soot...its probably the remains from that 500 tons of coal Jehovah bought for them in 1918.... It may be just a rumour but word has it that Rutherford would often place a lump of coal between his ass cheeks and produce low grade diamonds to help finance the world wide work that's where they got the saying Jehover helps your ass.

    Minimus this is a serious discussion and should not be cheapened with Barbara Striesand lyrics...

    PEOPLE------People are always going to be people
  • minimus

    I like Babs.....and my answer is not only serious but absolutely correct.

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