Bethel Memories Good and Bad

by joelbear 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Gosh, you guys! This sounds like a heckuva life. Very hard. Slavery.

    Joel, I can understand the appeal of the dorm life, always having people around to help 'fill the hole', so to speak. Maybe that's why they have it set up that way? Just another way to make people 'need' them.

    I have a cousin who was/is (not sure if he's still there) at Bethel and have felt very sad for him since hearing about it.

    Just wanted to jump in to say I admire you-all for your strength in being able to see your way through to freedom.


  • proplog2


    I can't go into it but I probably know more about the structure of personality than anyone else on earth. Seriously.

    Your whole theme is "group oriented helpfulness". That is your key.

  • proudassmonkey


    this post made me happy for one reason and one reason only:

    in my mind's eye i can see the splendor of the trees in the hudson valley. the view from mohonk mountain. and i smile and think of home. this transplanted new yorker thanks you.


  • Bangalore

    Modern day Pharisees.


  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    Of the handful of people I have known who have went to Bethel, all of them left as soon as they could. I asked what was wrong with the place, and none of them wanted to talk about it.

  • ex360shipper

    When I left, people asked why I would ever leave the closest thing we have to Paradise in this imperfect world. If Bethel is Paradise, I'd look for alternatives.

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