Football predictions for "egg chasers" (NFL)

by crownboy 32 Replies latest social physical

  • dubla


    funny, i didnt see the redskins in your playoff picks.....what does that say about your almighty jets? this years version of vinny and the jets doesnt look like it will scare dont know how much it delighted me to watch the j-e-t-s, jets, jets, jets kick the season off with their first l-o-s-s, loss, loss, loss.


    (p.s. to coldred....the dolphins are in the afc east)

  • maxwell

    I don't follow US football much these days and I'm not sure if I will be able to say this later in the season, so I'll say it now:

    How 'bout them Redskins!

    And they say the field goal kicker is a former Jet.

  • rocketman

    I got out of the business of predicting football game outcomes and season results. Too iffy. Look at the Jets and Falcons - two teams forecast to be contenders and then losing their starting QBs, two of the games finest young players.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Are the Cowboys still in the NFL???




    Simon said to watch the foul language. Where's that edit button?

  • DIM

    my present hometown has Ray Rhodes as a coach, but you can take DIM outta Philly but you can't take Philly outta DIM...


  • jelly

    I am a huge steeler fan, I am picking them to win AFC N but they dont have the secondary to get to the big game.

    Superbowl will consist of Denver Broncos vs. New York Giants, Denver Wins


  • dubla

    inserting foot into mouth.


  • crownboy

    Hey dubla, I don't think I see the Houston Texans on your playoff list either .

    If your team is out there loosing to a 2nd year expansion club (which team did that expansion team get both their starting conerbacks from again? ), then what do you think will happen when they face the defending AFC East champions Sunday?

    Granted, the Jets were a little rusty last Thursday, but that was due mainly to the most ridiculous play-calling I've seen in a long time. Testaverde still has great talent, and if Paul Hackett allows him to throw passes that go further than 5 yards down the field, don't expect much success for your fish team. The Jets held the team of an offensive genious to just 16 points, and though Norv Turner is a good offensive mind, his quaterback is still Jay Fiedler . The Jets defense will have the Dolphins off balance all day, and all Testaverde will need are a couple of decent play calls from Paul Hackett after working off short field positions from Santana Moss' punt returns.

    Save the other foot for your mouth next week.

    (P.S.: If you live in Indiana, why don't you root for your "home team" Colts? )

  • dubla


    yeah, im pretty disgusted with the fish right now. the play calling was horrible, there was no energy, no one wanted to make a play, and the dolphins generally took the texans for granted. one thing is for certain (well, almost certain) week one of our teams will be 0-2 and sitting at the bottom of the afc east. big bragging rights on the line sunday.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The Tampa Bay Bucs sure dimmed the Eagles' luster lasrt night and spoiled their party at the beautiful new Linc stadium. I thinak also they exposed the mediocrity of the Eagles' offense, which is almost entirely edly depedent on Donovan McNabb.

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