Idiosyncrasies Of Jehovah's Witnesses

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Here's another one. JW's LOVE to "encourage" people. They "encourage" by calling you to see why you missed a meeting. They "encourage" you to "reach out" or else you won't get responsibilities. They "encourage" you to "do more" even if you can't...Yep, JW's love to "encourage".

  • suzi_creamcheez

    A quirk I noticed esp. among pioneers was that slow way of walking - the "pioneer shuffle." maybe it was peculiar to the congregation, but all the pioneers seemed to have that slo-mo foot dragging way of schlumping along, even when they're crossing the street and there's a car coming. -suz

  • minimus

    Elders do it too but they also will stand at a corner or in the middle of the street and do their "elder talk". Then they will continue their conversation until they break for Dunkin' Donuts.

  • BoozeRunner

    Ah yes, the ole' pioneer shuffle. One step forward, TWO steps back. From the old 90 (or was it 100?) hours a month days.

    Actually, I like the dumb "rule" of not doing business with a DF'd person. I once needed some artwork done in a hurry for a project after I was DF'd. (my artist disapeared suddenly) So, I called a J-dub I knew from my former congregation. He refused. I am just glad he didnt own a Micky D's. I would have starved to death. LOL


  • minimus

    BoozeRunner, That's what I call discrimination!

  • Mulan

    I can agree with the comments about vitamins and alternative medicine. I guess that's why my Dad did so well as a Naturopath with all the JW patients.

    I sell nutritional supplements, and when I was a JW, whenever I got a new product, everyone bought it. The word spread and people came out of the woodwork. Sales fell off considerably when I left it. They are good now though.

    The CO wives were sure sick, weren't they? One of ours had Hepatitis C, Lupus, and cancer I think. Her hubby finally quit the circuit work, to make her life easier, and they settled down in our area. She got a full time job and recovered completely. Never sick again. That was hilarious. Now we know why she was sick. She still orders products from me from time to time though. Have to take those pills to stay healthy I say!!

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