Catholic church raised a cry of alarm, every year thousand of Catholics become J.W

by James Mixon 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    My brother (elder) e-mailed this to my sister(not a JW). The Francisco Pope praises J.W worldwide. Oh shit, they will have a field day with this. Old news 2015....

    Linda Strang

  • Listener

    It's very old news and they did have a field day with it

    Awake 1987 3/22

    IN MANY lands people are doing just that. For example, at Bologna, Italy, church authorities, with the pope’s approval, held a congress to study how to combat the success of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Catholic Church raised a “cry of alarm,” according to La Repubblica, because every year ten thousand Catholics become Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The Jesuit Giusseppe De Rosa said that “from a religious point of view the most dangerous are Jehovah’s Witnesses. They come fully trained; they always have the Bible in their hand.”
    In an editorial dealing specifically with Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Jesuit magazine La Civiltá Cattolica of February 18, 1984, wrote:
    “The first reason for the spread of the movement lies in the propaganda techniques [that is, in the preaching work]. The work on the one hand is painstaking, carried out from door to door by people who are scrupulously trained in this work and strongly convinced . . .
    “The second reason for the success of the JWs is in the attractive force of the jehovist message, in being able to cater to the needs, demands, and expectations of the people of our times. First of all, it fulfills the need for certainties, something very much appreciated at a time when all is uncertain and unsteady. . . . Above all, it is an absolutely certain revelation of the future, and therefore all who accept it are freed from all fear and anxiety and can face the future with joy, with the certainty of surviving the ruination of God’s tremendous judgment day for a wicked world and to live in eternal happiness on earth. Secondly, the jehovist message helps in overcoming the anxiety of the individual in the face of this world’s woes, announcing that the overturning of today’s unbearable situation is near, and that soon, therefore, there will be a new era, a new world will be born from which all the wicked who are now triumphant will be eliminated. . . .
    “The third reason for the success of JWs is that the movement gives its members a precise and strong identity, and it is a place for them where they are welcomed with warmth and a sense of brotherhood and solidarity.”
    The Vatican document analyzed people’s needs at the present time, and the foregoing quote from the Jesuit magazine La Civiltá Cattolica showed that it is the message of Jehovah’s Witnesses that is fulfilling those needs. This is further evidenced by the Catholic writer Vittorio Messori in his recent book Scommessa sulla morte (A Bet on Death), in which he writes:
    “It makes you think when you realize that one of these apocalyptical sects—Jehovah’s Witnesses—is the fastest growing confession, or religion, in the world. It is among the most practiced religions in many lands . . . and it is perhaps in first place when it comes to fervor, zeal, activism, ability to make proselytes.
    “Neither is their ever more accentuated presence limited to lands of Christian tradition, but it reaches the whole of the world where, in the name of Jehovah, and in a very short time, results are obtained that are often superior to those of Catholic, protestant, and orthodox missionaries in centuries of work.
    “This impressive force of expansion is incomprehensible only to the one who does not want to admit that . . . Jehovah’s Witnesses’ way of reading the Bible evidently meets real needs that other theologies no longer fill.
    “One cannot avoid the issue by insinuating that the Witnesses prosper because they play on fear. Just the opposite: Unlike the ‘official’ churches, they deny the existence of hell, preaching annihilation for the wicked and unbelievers, definitive disappearance after death. An unpleasant prospect, perhaps; but certainly less terrorizing than the threat of terrible pains for all eternity.”
    Yes, the God of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a loving God, not one that strikes people with terror.
    The following quotation is taken from the Catholic magazine Mondo erre of March 1986: “It ought to be said that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the first to live the faith they preach: They don’t get angry, they don’t smoke, they don’t accumulate riches, they keep out of political discussions, . . . they pay the taxes, they follow a virtuous and honest life-style, they are happy and obliging. All of this has made them well liked.”

  • smiddy

    Some facts the Francisco Pope may not have been aware of when he made this statement.

    Jehovahs Witness born in youths leave the religion in droves once they reach teenage years.

    Crimes committed by practising JW`s ,cover every imaginable crime you can think of from the most petty to the most serious. (google it )

    The retention rate of remaining a JW , is the worst of any Christian religion , they have the highest defection rates of any religion

    Take note of the ex JW sites that abound on the internet ,Social Media ,U-Tube etc.,reaching the thousands ,and what should that tell you.

    Broken marriages because one leaves the religion ,and the believer sues for divorce ,for incompatability.

    Children /teenagers being kicked out of the family home for not wanting to be a JW anymore ,and are then shunned by their parents.

    Children shunning their own parents because the parents no longer want to be JW`s.

    The internet ,Social Media,U-Tube ,etc.,are full of true, real life experiences of people who have lived through these situations.brought on by an organisation that has been primarily a publishing organisation with a gauranteed circulation and sales of the millions of a given time.

    And now in this 21st Century we find that the WTB&TS are selling off prime real estate that was purchased in the early 1900`s ,that are now worth millions of $$$$ .

    The last count was over 1 Billion Dollars of profit was made in the last year from sales of some of their Brooklyn real estate.

    And yet , their is far more to sell ,has it put a break on their appeal for more contributions ? from even the young ones ? no it has not.

    They still solicit for more money , even though it goes against their former President C.T.Russell., who stated "we will never solicit for money"

    Jehovah`s Witnesses as a Publishing Company and a Real Estate organization making and accumulating millions of Dollars in profits from each of these ventures , under the guise of being a religious organisation , just beggars belief .

    How do they get away with this ?

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    JW's are like a small child looking for attention, just a little good news about their religion and they go hog wild. I Email my sister the pew research, where the have one of the highest turn over of any religion.

  • opusdei1972

    I don't think that currently the Witnesses are increasing.

  • Vidiot

    You know something's off when you hear "the RCC respects us!", almost immediately followed by "the RCC feels threatened by us!"... :smirk:

  • Saename

    But... I don't understand... Aren't false religions supposed to be under the control of Satan??? Does it mean that Satan is commending us?!?!?!??!!

  • Vidiot

    Saename - "But... I don't understand... Aren't false religions supposed to be under the control of Satan??? Does it mean that Satan is commending us?!?!?!??!!"

  • steve2

    They continue to dine out on really old news: This article is from 1987. I don't have the figures on hand but the growth of JWs in Italy has slowed in more recent years ( based on their Yearbook figures).

  • Hernandez

    While it is true that the Catholic Church recognizes that we who are Catholic can learn much from people of other faiths (and even from people who do not believe in God), the above article is phony.

    I was forwarded this article almost a year or more ago. It comes from what appears to be either a prankster or even some "automated blurb bot" that produces all types of sensational stories about famous world figures. I didn't record the site at the time because it was filled with pop-up ads and other badly misspelled articles of celebrities and politcal figures, and I thought to myself "what a waste of space," but I can assure you this isn't factual.

    Today everything Pope Francis says is immediately published via his own web news service. It gets published via Twitter links and simultaneously via The Pope App and authentic Catholic media services like the Catholic Herald UK and CNS in the US, etc. Remarks similar to this would have been said after the daily Angelus prayer, and for the first time in history Catholics around the world get to read (or even hear) these comments practically in real time via social media outlets. I keep up with these, so when I first saw this I immediately suspected it.

    When I first read the article I thought it was odd by the way they called the Holy Father "the Francisco Pope." There are proper and improper ways to refer to the Vicar of Christ, and this is definitely not one of them. When using his name you would say "Pope Francis" in English. He is never spoken of as the "Francisco" pope as there is no such thing. You cannot find such an article on any other official Church sites. It also doesn't use proper terms you would expect to find, and it is oddly longer than what we are used to (we Catholics have short attention spans, even when reading what the Pope has to say).

    Lastly the Witnesses are not a concern for the Catholic Church. I remember sensational stories in the 1980s shared among the Witness during field service, you know the ones like Procter and Gambel is a demonic cult that gets in your home through purchasing soap products or that Oreos have blood in them (so real and authentic JWs shouldn't be eating them) or that the latest Watchtower magazine has devoted its three study articles to the dangers of watching the Smurfs on television. Along with those, there was the JW legend that the Catholic Church had sent in spies into the Society, to go through the process of conversion, baptism, etc., learn what they can and report back to the pope. As the story goes, they were eventually caught by the Governing Body and others at Bethel (of course!), but it was bound to happen as " no other religion is shaking up the world like Jehovah's Witnesses."

    These stories aren't true. As Saename pointed out, why would the commendations of the head of Satan's church be of interest to Jehovah's true people? Wouldn't the article have been mentioned at least in passing in the Awake! magazine?

    The Catholic Church baptizes about 300,000 new adult converts every month. Especially with Pope Francis at the helm, the growth numbers are up. Catholic Bible sales worldwide are booming, with even the (mostly Evanglical) Tyndale publishing company finally getting in the act by releasing its first Catholic Church approved New Living Translation Catholic Edition just recently (available in the US and UK this coming Easter).

    A "cry of alarm" or praise for a group that is seeing declining numbers, having money problems, and is now going through what may be an even worse sexual child abuse scandal than what rocked the Catholic Church?

    Believe what you want.

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