When Disaster Strikes

by NeverAllowestobeMyself 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeverAllowestobeMyself

    Jehovah's Witnesses repeatedly report that when disaster strikes they are the quickest to respond, the most organized relief agency and they provide superior support to their members and the affected community.

    They make it sound like organizations such as the Red Cross are completely in disarray every disaster until Jehovah's Witnesses show up and show everyone how it's done!

    In the wake of recent disasters around the globe I would like to encourage everyone to share experiences of people showing genuine love to their neighbors, communities going the extra mile and organizations doing brilliant work.

  • dubstepped

    We had a tornado that ripped through a town near us and destroyed everything. I will never forget sitting in a meeting during the circuit overseer's visit and listening to that douchebag tell us from the platform how our brothers acted out of the right motivation and helped so many while other organizations did it for random unspoken nefarious reasons and selfish gain. I was in the front row, and it took everything I had not to flip him off and walk out. Why? Because I knew people firsthand that my wife and I worked for, evil "worldly" people that we worked for that donated their personal trucks to volunteers and that went up and helped out of the goodness of their hearts, and here this circuit overseer, a man that only swings by occasionally for a visit, was running those good people down to promote the Witnesses. And I also know for a fact that the JW's were among the LAST to arrive. In fact, one brother justified it to me by telling me that being first isn't always prudent, sometimes the Borganization sits back and watches patiently so that they can come in and help the right way instead of just rushing in and making a bigger mess out of the situation. Just talking about this makes my blood boil because they're so full of it. When they do go to help, we all know who they go to first, not the ones that need it most, but their own. Jehovah's Witnesses are awful even when helping.

    A lesson to Jehovah's Witnesses. You don't have to put others down to celebrate your own efforts. Do what you do, be happy and/or proud of whatever help you can bring, but when you try to run others down you might just be waking somebody up. Not everything has to be a contest, trying to figure out who is the most righteous.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    There's a discussion HERE about how the Society actually profits when disaster strikes. (scroll to the bottom of the first post where it says "Relief Funds")
  • berrygerry

    The biggest factor, IMO, is that WT does not help people - only Dubs.

    IF there is something leftover, then they MIGHT help a stranger.



  • stillin

    I had an employee who was a " good brother." When a hurricane hit down by the ocean, he bought as much plywood as his truck could carry, nails and nail gun, and headed into the disaster area. A true first responder. He was counseled for not waiting on Jehovah and working along with the official Disaster Relief " arrangement." He is no longer a " brother."

    See how that works?


    When disaster strikes.... it's a crap-shoot. You might live, you might not. No inept, overweight, Pharisaic Eldub can do jack-shit for you, regardless of their personal motivations or delusions. Sure, they might show up later, after the real deal is over, but that's about it.

    This is not to say that individual Dubs aren't sincere. They just follow orders. Seriously, what are they going to do? Rush in with their Ford truck, loaded with plywood, only to be shit on by the hierarchy?

    The WTBTS has a formula for "Disaster Relief", it revolves around pocketing the excess insurance money from the victims. They don't want Good Samaritans helping anyone for free.


  • stuckinarut2

    Dubstepped: A lesson to Jehovah's Witnesses. You don't have to put others down to celebrate your own efforts. Do what you do, be happy and/or proud of whatever help you can bring, but when you try to run others down you might just be waking somebody up. Not everything has to be a contest, trying to figure out who is the most righteous.

    Great comment indeed! That sums up witnesses SO well!

    It is like if they give praise to non witness disaster relief efforts, they are praising "the world" ...so petty minded!

  • Lieu

    Building fire (dwellings). Red Cross came with water, blankets, prepaid credit cards (to purchase food/clothing), and hotel vouchers. They also pay first months rent for anyone needing an apartment and can get them quickly on disaster placement. (No initial paperwork to move in).

    Elderly ladies from a nearby Church drove by and handed out 50 dollars (per person) to fire victims.

    No sight of JWs and I (active then) and another person got no aid from WTBTS.

  • Divergent

    JW's boast of helping others when disaster strikes. Here's the thing - they ONLY provide physical help to people when there is disaster (limited physical help by the way, not wide-scale physical help). At other times, physical help from them is virtually NON-EXISTENT, whereby other organizations (which they ironically condemn) provide such help on a REGULAR basis & escalate such help when there is disaster!

  • NeverAllowestobeMyself
    Recently I have observed great acts of kindness and love by individuals, remarkable gestures of social responsibility by corporations and the most effective organization and personal care for its citizens by relief organizations and government. This is totally the opposite of what the JW's have been saying would happen in the "time of the end". This is not a isolated event either, whenever there is natural disaster people as a whole pull together. Communities, cities, states and our country pulls together. It is so wonderful to be able to see this for the first time, being "awake" and understanding "TTATT" can make you angry at the WBT$ but it also can fill you with joy as you see reality for the first time in your life.

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