Can’t cope with being disfellowshipped…..Need some advice

by xxBettyBoopxx 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wayward

    If you're really serious about doing this (I'd advise against it, but I don't know your reasons or your circumstances):

    If they don't believe you're 'truly' repentant, they won't reinstate you. It's that simple. It all boils down to their perceptions of you and whether or not any of those elders have an ax to grind with you. Put on a sad face, eyes downcast, maybe squeeze out a tear or two. Agree with whatever the elders say. Holy Spirit has nothing to do with the process.

    As far as I know, there's no mandatory minimum time you have to serve as DF'd before you can be reinstated. I've heard of some being reinstated after only a few months while others have waited two or three years for reinstatement. Elders have pretty wide leeway in whatever decisions they make and you have no right to question them.

  • rebelfighter


    There are many churches that treat women and children like human beings. Some people believe there is a loving and caring God. Not everyone has to give up on God like you.

    You could show a little tiny bit of respect for other people's beliefs occasionally especially when they show up on the forum hurting.

  • cofty
    cofty, what do you recommend for Betty to do? - BRJ

    Every exJW should focus of education, career, hobbies, family, friends, fun etc. Leave the big questions aside for long time until you are ready to come back to them much later.

    Church is the last thing any exJW needs.

    Christ loves...........why do you hate him? - BRJ

    I don't hate imaginary things. I oppose people who try to foist their superstitions on other vulnerable people.

    the love of Christians is the answer - BRJ

    Outside the cult there are many great people who won't judge you for not believing ridiculous things like they do.

    You could show a little tiny bit of respect for other people's beliefs occasionally - rebel

    I respect others too much to go along with their delusions.

    especially when they show up on the forum hurting

    Don't worry, I know BettyBoo very well. Church is the last thing she wants.

  • rebel8

    Betty Boop, level with us. You are not/were not a jw, right? Exhibit A:

    he created a burning hell that bad people go to for ever and ever and suffer in eternity

  • Scully

    who said God is perfect? I mean he created a burning hell that bad people go to for ever and ever and suffer in eternity, but he loves you.

    *sniff sniff*... smells like troll

  • OnTheWayOut

    ...and so that you don't forget later, the very moment that they announce that you are reinstated, you don't have to kiss their asses anymore. You can miss all the meetings and not turn in any recruiting time slips. Don't concern yourself with "commenting privileges" or giving demonstrations on the platform. Reject their offers for shepherding and say "I am fine, I will call you if I need you."

    Totally serious. You may have to do the missing meetings things a bit more gradually for the sake of family, but you don't need to be engaged in recruiting and commenting at meetings.

  • wizzstick

    Your family is dead until they save themselves

    Wow - that was helpful.

    Please peddle your sky fairy crap somewhere else.

  • Simon

    KateWild / xxBettyBoopxx / lara croft et al: please stop trolling with duplicate accounts. It's dishonest and I'm done with your endless drama and attempts at disruption.

    Go back to the WTS, you are perfect for them and they for you.

  • freddo

    I thought I was going nuts ... I was sure there were ten posts or so from xxBBxx and this is borne out by some remnant quotes of her's/his in posters' replies above.

    But Simon has explained it.

  • wizzstick

    KateWild / xxBettyBoopxx / lara croft et al: please stop trolling with duplicate accounts. It's dishonest and I'm done with your endless drama and attempts at disruption.

    Really? It's Kate?

    How very sad.

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