My story

by PimoElder 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SouthCentral


    After knowing what you now know; meetings and witness activities will never be the same.

    I wish you the best moving forward!!

    If/When you leave; do it on your own terms.

  • smiddy3

    Welcome P E ,you will find this to be a very supportive community here .And I would suggest you and any other new person to the forum to take advantage of the search button at the top of your screen to look back at an encyclopedic of information about the religion its practices and flip flops over the years.

    Pick a topic and I`m sure you will get some factual info you never thought of.

    Their are and has been some very intelligent and informative ex-JW`s who have contributed to this site.

    You say their are many good people there, and of course there are and you will find their are many good worldly people out the in the real world as well.

    I wish you well and take care.

  • nowwhat?

    If you haven't already go to

    All the info you need about revisionist history, failed prophecies and batshit crazy teachings in the past!

  • Bangalore

    Welcome to JWN.

  • NonCoinCollector
    the thing is I do quite like all the good things about the Borg and I like the meetings lots of good people there
    If you don't mind - What do you think is 'good' about the 'Borg'?

    That would be my question too. I don't have fond memories of my time as a JW; which is why I left in 2000. If you are talking about some of the nice people, pleasant people can be found anywhere. If anything, I appreciate not being judged as to if I am "spiritually strong" by the people on the outside.

  • Lightgrowsbrighter

    Hi P.E. I was in your shoes also as a 3rd gen JW and PIMO elder. Very tough to ‘step down’ (I always hated that term), and I think even tougher now as you will be grilled as to why you would leave the ‘privilege’ of being an elder. After I quit being an elder, I tried to be a rank-and-file brother- next to impossible, you are viewed and treated much differently (weak in 'the truth'). My family and I left cold turkey in 2010. I understand your comment on ‘nice people’ in the org. I felt the same way. But believe me, they will abandon you if you leave- even if you fade without being DF’d as an ‘apostate’. I’ve come to the realization that JW’s are a high control social group, not interested in genuine Bible discussion as they portray. Accept it all 'as taught by JW's' or you’re out. Simply put for me: Any group (Christian or otherwise) that demands unquestionable allegiance to all their dogma is the wrong group to be involved with.

  • Lightgrowsbrighter

    BTW- I agree with you about the covid jab. PERSONAL CHOICE.

  • fulano

    Where is our elder? At a meeting?

  • punkofnice

    Welcome Pimmy.

    im still an elder and a very busy one at that. I don’t mind doing all the items at the meeting but am starting to say no to many other jobs at the hall

    You can't slave for 2 masters. At some stage you will have to face a choice of being a fake or authentic.

  • PimoElder

    Thanks everyone but just to be clear I’m not going to fade

    im staying in as I have many good friends and I love the congregation

    m really good people

    but I know the GBody are wrong

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