How Many Here Are Estranged From Your Family Because Of The Witnesses?

by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Yes. Yes. Yes. And we are simply faded JW's, not DF or DA.

  • minimus

    But the Witnesses are a religion of love.

  • Crazyguy2

    I’m about to loose my wife and 4 kids. Went back to meetings to try and keep the family alive and they would have none of it. It’s amazing how they turn in you. I had said nothing negative about the cult in several years and only to one of them but it didn’t matter. Once you have a target on your back I guess they never let it go.

  • punkofnice
    Mini - Do your JW relatives still talk to you?

    Not at all

    Are you now not very close?

    About as far as it gets

    Are you avoided??


    But knickers to them, I don't care.

  • Tameria2001

    Do your JW relatives still talk to you?


    Are you now not very close?

    Not anymore, but they are toxic people so good riddance.

    Are you avoided?

    Yes, but as far as I'm concerned they can stay far far away. I'm done with their mind games.

  • jookbeard

    only my hard nosed sister left haven't spoken to her in over a decade, still shunned

  • dozy

    I'm faded , not DFd , and have kept quiet about my reasons for leaving the Org but nevertheless I got the "we don't want anything more to do with you until you return to Jehovah" email from my siblings ( 2 brothers / 1 sister ) ten years ago. Initially for the first 2 or 3 years , it was complete shunning.

    Since then things have kind of mellowed slightly , especially with my sister , who is a more of a weaker , social type JW than my two brothers , who are the self-righteous JW "Society Men" types. This is mainly because our ( JW ) parents are very elderly , so occasionally there is "family business" style contact. It can be sometimes be pretty strained - the elephant in the room is a constant presence!

    I'm guessing that when our parents die , things will revert to total shunning again. To be honest - all of our lives have moved on , we don't really have much in common anymore - their lives revolve around the Org hamster wheel of pointless activity - and they aren't especially nice people anyway - so I honestly don't really care.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Mostly yes. We are viewed as just "stumbled". The ones that do not speak have made the decision due to other issues. We wouldn't speak to them either.

  • jws

    Of 13 blood members of my family who were JWs at one time, 2 died while I was still a JW. The other 3 still talk(ed) to me. My dad died 10 years ago, but talked to me as long as I didn't discuss JW things.

    My sisters and I have never been real close as they are older and getting married by the time I was 4 or 5. But I have seemed to notice even less communication lately. Of course they have their grandkids and other things going on. I have my kids. And they live in different states. I had just talked to them both a few weeks ago to let them know a family member had died.

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