Orginal sin: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

by dreddie 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    Please answer Heaven's question first.

  • FadeToBlack
    regarding the op:

    That was so bad I thought it was either a talk from the 2016 RC or a parody of one. Please, tell me that there really aren't people that believe in Adam and Eve! How is that even possible?

  • dreddie
    Two of the 3 main world faiths use the Bible/parts of the Bible. Do you have another source for the "Original sin: Tree of knowledge of good and evil" story outside of the Bible?


    ‘…when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’

    Free will impliece choise. Choise implies knowledge of good and bad. How else can you make a desicion. Al evil is done in the name of good. Just from a different perspective. (like terrorist attacks. Evil from the Bible perspective, Good from the Koran perspective).

    It is the knowledge of good and evil witch is the cause of the "hell" we live in, the suffering man endures. The violance we conflict on eachother.

    If it is impossible to know good and bad, than it is imposseble to choose. Therefore free will is an illusion. A lie from Satan.

    We have the free will to fight for what we think is good and be in hell. Or surrender this free will and thus knowledge of good and evil and be in paradise.

  • jookbeard
    a lie from Satan? what happened was what he exactly said, the lie and deceit came from the creator.

    It is your job to tell and know the truth and not be deceived by the lies of Satan.

    ...Image result for satan who?


    ..........Dad Never Understood Me.....So..

    .........Say a Little Prayer For Me

  • Giordano

    I'm sorry......... I don't mean to nitpick........... but............

    Free will impliece choise. Choise implies knowledge of good and bad. How else can you make a desicion. The violance we conflict on each other.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The we(e) on each other?

    Giordano, not sure that was intentional, but i like your style.

    Anyhoo dreds, This is the wrong forum to come spouting your delusions, you will get your ass handed to you, so pull up your big boy pants and prepare to bring it.

  • sparky1

    dreddie, next time you get hit in the head, please seek medical attention immediately.

  • dreddie
    Free will impliece choise. Choise implies knowledge of good and bad. How else can you make a desicion. Theviolance we conflict on each other.

    I dont understand what you mean, sorry english is not my first language.

  • dreddie
    Anyhoo dreds, This is the wrong forum to come spouting your delusions, you will get your ass handed to you, so pull up your big boy pants and prepare to bring it.

    - I already brought it, it is now your turn to bring it. My logic is indisprovable :-)

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