The Watchtower—Study Edition | February 2022 Trust in Jehovah ...We really meant ''the Governing Body''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FFGhost

    This is next week's WT study.

    These boneheads really are drunk on their own power.

  • Foolednomore

    Next week Watchtower article maybe " love of Money is unchristian" use your material things to benefit Geehovah 's Organization!

  • waton

    contrasting "david" wt poster boy and the man gathering firewood in the desert on the sabbath, and being executed for it. wt opined: may be he had other issues.

    yeah, how about david, ready to kill all males because they did not pay protection money, the collecting of the foreskins, the census that killed thousands, the mistake of the ark on a wagon. --The story "David" stinks, but wt loves it, thinking it will shield them from responsibility now. and

    poor Jonas, being made a false prophet. why did the deity not use it's foresight to include a repentance clause in the message? wt way of justifying their continued role as a false prophet. This time, unlike Jonah, a self made false prophet.

  • Vidiot

    I took my 90-year-old mom this morning, since they reopened.

    Damn, was the God's-Earthly-Organization-Governing-Body-fan-reverence always this dialed up???

    Holy fuck.

  • Listener

    From the study Watchtower

    During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical. Of course, Jehovah will not speak to us personally. He will likely provide direction through his appointed representatives.

    He will LIKELY provide direction through the FDS during the GT? They don't even know if Jehovah will provide the GB with direction.

    They are telling the R&F to follow these instructions even if they are strange, impractical, or illogical and now to do it even if they don't know if it is from men or from Jehovah because they are admitting that they only think is is likely it is from him - not definitely.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical.

  • waton
    During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical. Of course, Jehovah will not speak to us personally. He will likely provide direction through his appointed representatives.

    note the generic term: appointed representatives. can not be the GB, they, being anointed, went to heaven at the beginning of the great tribulation. so there will be a new overlap, with the OS wt elite in charge. dont envy them, each armageddon survivor will have to cope with 1000 dead, a big task according to the "special talk"

  • ozziepost
    As the end of this system of things draws near, we need to trust in Jehovah’s way of doing things as never before. Why? During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical. Of course, Jehovah will not speak to us personally. He will likely provide direction through his appointed representatives. That will hardly be the time to second-guess the direction or to view it with skepticism, wondering, ‘Is this really coming from Jehovah, or are the responsible brothers acting on their own?

    If it quacks like a cult and looks like a cult, it IS a cult.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Marry up the opening post comments from the WT and this paragraph taken from February 2017 WT. They are polar opposite.

    How can you trust the GB when they can get things wrong in doctrines and organisational things? How can you trust the direction they may give if they think the GT has started?

  • FFGhost

    In WT-world, obedience to the organization is by far the most important measure of someone's worth, far outweighing faith, love, kindness, you name it.

    Disobedience truly is the "unforgivable sin" in WT-world.

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