Interesting piece about Stephen Lett and family: property developers

by Diogenesister 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Yep, it's interesting Diog. I think the lesson is to emulate the Lett parents who on realising that the Watchtower never delivers its promises, do something practical and enjoyable instead.

  • Diogenesister

    SBF No I don’t believe Stephen Lett has children and I’m doubtful Tim does, too.

    Its an ideal way to produce an income if you want to pioneer, but I find it incredibly hypocritical that this goon is asking for donations because they are so skint and yet has hundreds of thousands to invest n holiday homes.

    I am now convinced this man is 100% fake and merely sees himself as CEO of a corporation.Particularly as he denied any child abuse within Jehovah’s witnesses. Yet he is the GB member who has weekly meetings with the legal dept to keep abreast with, and give directions for, watchtowers various court cases.

  • Finkelstein

    So what we can take from this is that its no wonder Lett knew the value of property investing from the many sales and purchases the WTS made. $$$

    Promote a vow of poverty to all others who are closely under him in the organization but make some lucrative investments behind closed doors.

    Those sneaky GB members

    It makes me wonder if JWS even know what the word hypocrite is ???

  • smiddy3

    It was a very interesting video that brings up a question in me regarding all of the G.B.members .?

    O.K,.I can understand them getting their accommodation ,meals ,and health care benefits along with a travel allowance ,however I just wonder how much money apart from those things do they actually get ?

    And no matter how much it is all moneys combined that they get comes from money donated by R&F JW`s to further Kingdom Interests .

    How much of those donated moneys furthers the personal interests of the G.B. members ?

  • Gorbatchov

    I think there is no problem Lett and his family have made investments. It is just wise.

    Problem is the double standard. The rank and file are living, especially now with problems like the virus, bush fires and stock markets, in Armageddon mode.

    I see in my own JW family 2 kind of styles:

    - my father, making property investments, savings and commodities exchange, seeing the JW belief more like a good way of living;

    - my family in law, living like every day is the last day before Armageddon, seeing the JW belief like a child, scared and depending on in everything they do.

    So, who is wise?

    That's the same for GB members. Lett and family are the wise guys, and yes, have a double standard.


  • LongHairGal


    What about the second type of JWs you mention who heeded bad advice over the decades and ended up in old age unprepared?.. This can never be forgiven!

    Now there is a new bumper crop of Baby Boomers who are at retirement age and unprepared!

    It makes me furious to think of the older people in the hall decades ago (collecting their pensions) who tried to get ME to quit my job and pursue poverty!..If these people were still living I would track them down and write a letter telling them what I think of them and where they should go.

    I would not be Retired if I had listened to their bad advice.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Any JW who followed the "advice" (direction) of the GB and kept their eye simple and pursued Kingdom interests first and stored up things "in heaven" vs planning for retirement etc simply GOT SCREWED because they followed that advice.

    Instead of having a good education with good benefits and a pension or 401(k), they likely have a low-paying, manual labor job that is taxing on their aged body, or they are "self employed" in a venture such as the cleaning business and will have to continue working to supplement their Social Security (US here). And, instead of having money in investments, they have worthless old time slips for worthless hours of Field Serve-Us. But all of this just keeps them more "dependent" on Joe Hoover. He will never disappoint them.

  • steve2

    This just in from Lett's parents: "Please, please, don't blame us".

  • Magnum

    Just watched the video. Now I'm really pissed off. How effin dare they ask little children to donate their ice cream money while Lett is investing large sums of money. In the talk clip that was included in the video, Lett said to be content with sustenance and covering. As a member of the elite GB, he's guaranteed such (actually far better than just the necessities), so why is he spending time and resources on investments?

    Also in the talk included in the clip, he said that the end is imminent. Well, if he really believes that, why is he investing in property? This guy claims he's going to be launching off to heaven soon, so why not donate any extra money he has to his precious religion?

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