Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • username

    And let me make things clear Simon. I'm by no means a Islamic apologist, I lived in an area in northern England that had a large population of Muslims. I even worked with some! Whilst the religion is old and archaic, there are some very nice people, I had many a laugh with the women especially!

    I will and never will tolerate generalisation, I believe in free speech, free will, and the humanity of others. Some of the comments on here are disgusting! And like sheep, some of you have now given the western governments yet more justification to destroy many more innocent lives. And before anyone says what about the lives lost in Paris, yes this is tragic, but this will pale into consideration to the amount of innocent people who will lose their lives to serve the agenda of our psychopathic leaders, tens of thousands of lives will be lost and what will the US and its Allies say? Oh it's just "Collateral Damage" fuck that!

    Just because our governments wait for the general public to side with them, usually after such as the Paris attack doesn't mean we are any better, we are just as guilty of war crimes as any other country! But hey, if you all like war and conflict then you've definitely got every right to be pissed. Me personally, I hate anything to do with conflict because it is usually innocent lives lost whilst the elite go to swanky restaurants and go about their daily lives as if nothing is happening.

    Have we we not learned anything? War only causes death and destruction, it NEVER solves anything, in fact, as we are seeing now, it makes things far worse!

    But I fear you will have your war now, as you are all falling in line and the western governments have their justification to kill tens of thousands of people. You who defend our governments disgust me, obviously we have a long way to go before we realise war is not the answer!

    P.S. Capitan. Please brush up on your history, If I remember correctly ISIS had nothing to do with 9/11, this was the sole work of one man and his minions who eventually became the Taliban. Oh but they did find a completely undamaged passport belonging to one of the terrorists, a passport made out of fireproof paper apparently. And obviously building 7 had to be demolished because it was so far away from the twin towers that it was damaged beyond repair! Do you see why I ask questions now? There are to many unanswered questions. If you all want to believe our governments are so whiter than white, free from corruption go right ahead. Walt Disney would be pleased with you all!

  • truthseeker100

    F*ck Allah

    F*ck Mohammed

    F*ck Islam.

    I disrespect and spit on your disgusting religion. *middle finger*

    They are fighting words you better be prepared to back them up!

  • Daniel1555

    This kind of terrorism has nothing to do with refugees.

    Refugees are fleeing from that same terror.

    A high ranking german police chief said recently that the terrorists are not coming with the refugees. IS has enough other means of sending terrorists or influencing radicalized individuals to action.

  • Diogenesister
    Don't necessarily blame Islam just a nut or two.

    Truthseeker did you actually read this wik? His Algerian muslim father was abusive & looked down on, I wonder where on earth he got that attitude? Could it be the Arab desert dand GOD per chance??

  • Daniel1555

    "I met some refugees on the overnight train to Frankfurt. Most of them were friendly and well dressed with smart phones and reasonably good English. I think they're mainly secular. It's the ones going to Syria that are radical rather than those fleeing out of the country."

    Do not get yourself fooled. They will not have whatsoever problem to cut your throat. Hitler was also nice guy to many. Did not smoke, was vegetarian, and persuaded Chamberlain in 1938 that only democracy east of Germany possess a threat to European security...


    What the hell did you smoke to give such comments? You generalize that refugees don't have a problem to cut your throat!!

    If refugees cut the throats of people, there must be millions of Germans, Swiss, Austrians, Swedes, Slowenians and citizens of other countries who take up refugees, who are attacked and killed by "cut-throating" refugees.

    I can recommend the following to you and to all other posters who bash refugees or who give them the blame for terrorism:

    Go and talk to them. Get to know them. Do some refugee volunteer work, even if it is just to teach them your language or to spend some time with them.

    Then you will see, if you need to be afraid of them.

    And a side note:

    Not too long ago, people of the eastern European countries were fleeing their countries as refugees. It's ironic, that they are the most rampant in anti-refugee rhetoric.

  • Diogenesister
    Eagles of death metal - love that band - still looking for crew members 😢😢😢😢😢 Queens of the Stone Age dude Josh Homme
  • cofty
    And obviously building 7 had to be demolished because it was so far away from the twin towers that it was damaged beyond repair! Do you see why I ask questions now? - username

    Yes because you are a gullible conspiracy nutter who finds solace in self-loathing.

  • Lieu

    Username, that would be Al Qaeda not the Taliban.

    Most of the current events with extremist crazies could have been avoided had Bush agreed to the Taliban's offer of delivering Bin Laden to a neutral Country for trial. Bush, being the doofus of a spoiled brat that he is ....

    Shame what's happened in France. I suspect that may be revenge for Libya.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    I would be interested in knowing how many dead and injured there are, in German on "n-tv" they are reporting 120 dead and more than 180 injured, this was at 11:00 CET.

    What figures are being reported in other lands?

  • Diogenesister

    Username I'm loving your posts

    So far all the attacks on the west have been carried out by educated, privileged often quite middle class kids mostly born in Europe not refugees.

    However I will say they are often the decendents of immigrants/refugees. What are they seeing/thinking that so outrages them that they are driven to give up their comfortable lifestyle and commit such despicable acts on their fellow countrymen?

    That is the hard question we have to search our consciences to answer.

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