We told the Children!!

by 2escaped lifers 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shutterbug
    TWO sets of Grandparents no less, both sets are diehard (long time Elders, special priviledges, etc.)....

    Not gonna be pretty...

    Oh boy, have you ever nailed that one. Believe me I've seen what happens when witnesses offspring suddenly don't agree with the parents. I suspect the parents get riled up, in part, because they are losing control of ther kids, (no matter how old the "kids"are) and it makes them questions their own beliefs. They are compelled to ask themselves if they,the parents, are right in their religious dogma. That being said, you handled the kids very well, so I'm sure if anyone can handle this situation it is the two of you. Thanks for informing us about the kids. Bug

  • shotgun

    Great news Brandon and Stephanie

    Thanks for sharing a happy story with us. Your family can now be held together with love and trust.

  • Hapgood

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. I'm so happy for you that it went so well, you are great parents. It's amazing how perceptive kids are, aren't they. I love to hear when the whole family leaves together, it will make you much closer. Plus you have each other for much needed support.

    I'll keep you in my prayers when you tell your parents.

    I have a story I'd like to share with you when my daughter was 3 years old (that was 20 years ago), she was very insightful for her age. My Mom (not a jw) babysat my daughter for me while I worked full time. My "wordly" Mom did this out of love, I couldn't afford to pay for daycare at the time, and she did this for free. My daughter blurted out to my Mom "Grandma you are BAD because you don't go to the Kingdom Hall." I guess my 3 year old was actually paying attention to the ugly teachings at the Kingdom Hall. This devastated my Mom, she was so hurt, she didn't tell me (she told me later that she was afraid of losing me), but she told my Dad.

    My Dad was livid (non jw), so he confronted my hubby and asked him "what is that (expletive) religion teaching, that a 3 year old would tell her Grandma that she is bad?" Well, my hubby tried to explain it to my Dad in that gobblygook JW language that all JWS seem to master, "no, that is not what we teach, blah blah blah." While in my head I'm thinking "yeah, that's exactly what we teach, but we just don't state it as clearly as a child." JWS sugar coat all of the crap so it isn't so hard to swallow. Actually, that was the first time I actually got to thinking that something wasn't quite right. Out of the mouth of babes!

    My daughter left the JWS when she was 18 (she saw threw the whole sham, never baptized), then because of her leaving and the way she was treated, I looked into the JW religion and left also. My hubby is still a JW.


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Congrats you two!

    I love a story with a happy ending.



  • czarofmischief

    Beware gram and gramps - they're going to try to be "Eunice" and teach your young "Timothy" all about the wonderful world of dubdom and how they should feel guilty for everything you are doing, like birthdays and Christmas.

    I'd say kill the grandparents now, but then, I'm a Republican.


  • teejay

    >>>> Our youngest actually said, "that's OK.You didn't know any better."

    Such powerful words of wisdom, eh Brandon and Stephanie? And how forgiving those words are. "It's okay. You did the best you could. Now let's move on."

    I'm so happy for your family. Let life begin.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    When we told our kids, our son (age 7) was somewhat mournful. When we asked why, he said, "Well I get my best naps there."

    I'm glad you guys made the right choice. Your children are still young enough for you to enjoy birthdays and holidays with them.

  • SloBoy

    Thank-you Brandon & Stephanie,

    What a truly inspiring experience to start my day. Your children seem very special. What I think, though, is that for most JW children of today is that they have this secret underground fellowship where they discuss the REAL life of Witnesses but in the "congregation" they toe the line. This dynamic is nothing new, but I believe it is tragically becoming more ingrained. Again, thanks for your example of courage, may you continue to be strengthened and have peace as you deal with the consequences of your decision.


  • caballoSentado

    Hello Brandon and Stephanie,
    We had a similar experience. When I learned of the UN scandal more than 1 1/2 years ago, I started to think by myself & saw the hypocrisy. After 3 weeks I told my wife... She agreed & we told our children. It tokk us 4 months but we are out now & we will never go back!. My oldest son is attending University now & is having very good grades, he is in the top 3%. We are having a much better family life & read just the bible....
    Caballo Sentado

  • Joyzabel

    I think it is wonderful for everyone's family when the kids respond. Well we've seen that the younger kids respond very nicely. Its the ones who have been indoctrinated, out on their own, have their own lives that are hard to reach. Just like the grandparents.

    LOL someone said it right when you describe it as the "iron curtain" that goes down.

    I'm happy for ya, B & S. Glad you have your kids with you.

    And CS, good to hear how you and your family are doing.

    Hugs to all,


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