Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?

by Iamallcool 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    "When people are sent to ask questions of loyalty vs 'execution' I say 'no, you have become just like Nazi Germany.'"
  • Vidiot


    Only fascists punish "disloyalty" with execution (literal or symbolic).

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I changed my mind after speaking with my husband as we were talking about "totalitarian" governments....

    I might answer this question, "As in, like 'totally"!!! I would believe whatever they say or whatever they change the meaning of the scriptures to say, like right away.

    "I mean, like the GB told us, "The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction." but why wouldn't I believe them?"

  • Vidiot

    @ cha ching...

    I've always thought that if one fully knew The TATT but were too deeply stuck in, it might be fun to act like a semi-crazed GB fanboy just to f**k with the rest of the congregation and weird them out. :smirk:

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Vidiot! haha!!! I am soooo tempted! With all the "valuable" training we received in the "Ministry School"... I am a pretty good actress.

    One time, when we were working on a quick build, the Bethel people were way above us "working class, rank and file" (1st time I ever heard 'publishers' called 'rank and file'... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr) and they would not feed our branch of construction UNLESS we came to the cafeteria.

    We couldn't, we had poured the concrete, we had to eat and work. They made me (a sister, advocating worker's rights) go count them before they would give me trays to take (can you imagine!) My blood was boiling....

    The next day, I was asked by a regular "rank and file" (instructed by the Bethel class) "Are you sure that this is the correct number?" I feigned shock, dismay, and trembled, "You, you.... are not calling me a liar, are you sister?"

    Got her! She got herself in line, apologized, and went off to get the food as quickly as possible!


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Good one Vid:

    I've always thought that if one fully knew The TATT but were too deeply stuck in, it might be fun to act like a semi-crazed GB fanboy just to f**k with the rest of the congregation and weird them out. :smirk:

    I'm thinking perhaps these thing could be produced on a unconscious level in in be known to the consciousness

    of every GB by Freudian slips and lead the corrupt WT corporation/ Jeho's chariot right off a cliff.

  • respectful_observer

    Maybe just combine Geoff Jackson's ARC response with the now famous Feb 2017 WT quote (obviously without citing either at first):

    "Exclusively? That's a great question. It would be presumptuous to think that. After all, if the GB is not inspired or infallible, it can err in doctrine and direction of the organization. Do you agree, Br. Inquisition?"

    Only cite your sources after they challenge your response.

  • jwleaks
    "Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?"

    Answer: Yes, because only jehovah would know the right season to off load his real estate empire and convert everything to cash just before Armageddon. He gets to sell out, make a profit and then gets it all back in the fire and sulphur sale. It's a win-win.

  • azor

    A Believer - fuck jehovah

  • fukitol

    The best answer to this is to say that scripturally Jehovah only works through covenants and not with 'organisations' (not a scriptural term), and that often he has worked through single prophets when the covenantees have strayed, eg, the prophets sent to correct erring Israelites.

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