Update on everything going on in JW Land - Insider Information

by thedepressedsoul 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    I'd like to start off by saying that I will be very vague in everything I say. I am fairly "high up" in JW land and have to be somewhat careful how I word and say stuff. Sorry in advance if any specific details are left out.

    - First, I can confirm first hand that the only real growth is coming from undeveloped countries. I'm talking 150+ baptisms, per convention. Now while that isn't a huge number, compared to US baptisms per convention, it is a lot. It's also worth noting though that these are very poor people. Little education, without much to donate, if anything at all. I've seen it in person.

    - We have often heard on here that the GB are now "rock stars". I have witnessed this first hand. I'm talking about a mob circling around them when they are at an event. Pictures, signatures the whole sha-bang. They almost get knocked over at times for how close a large group of people are around them. When they walk in the hallways, and do not want to be bothered, they actually have "body guards" around them. They are most likely just brothers in suits but they still ask the "friends" to move out of the way as they come through. They can't walk down the hall way alone without getting mobbed.

    - I know many, many individuals that are being let go at both Bethel and as special pioneers in the US. The R&F seem somewhat confused by the whole thing, like they aren't 100% sure what to make of it. I have heard a few even say, "good now they have to pay for stuff like the rest of us!". The Bethelites are not happy. The ones being sent home seem rather bitter yet at the same time trying to come off as still being really spiritual. A lot also seem to be in shell shock. You hear a lot of witnesses also trying to justify why the branch would do this. It's pretty funny the stuff they come up with.

    - All special pioneers that are young enough to care for themselves are being assigned to pioneering. Only the ones that are too old to care for themselves or enter the job market are being kept. I wonder if the term special pioneer will be done away with. The amount being laid off is a lot. A majority of them.

    - Child abuse. This is not being talked about at all. At least around me. I heard 2 R&F talk about it when it happened, other than that, nothing. Dead silence, like nothing is going on. They seemed to excuse it with "it happens anywhere". I think they forget that they said it proved the Catholics were a false religion when it happened to them. I think a lot know about it, but no one is talking, at least not openly. It's the elephant in the room that is being ignored. I am 99% sure though that all CO's have been informed as to how to handle anyone bringing it up per congregation they visit.

    - There are becoming two groups in the congregation, a split down the middle almost. Every year there seems to be a bigger gap between super spiritual JW's and spiritually weak JW's. I am noticing these two groups becoming more and more noticeable. You either have JW's that are super in, elders, pioneers, MS, need greaters etc... Or the complete opposite of what they view as "spiritually weak". Barely any service, bad meeting attendance and so on. It seems like there is no longer an in between. You're now either one or the other. The "middle class jw" is being pushed into one of the two groups.

    - The younger ones. They have a big problem here. Most younger ones I know and see could care less about spiritual things. They do what they have to and nothing more. They play the video games they want, watch the movies they want, and party. I see very little, if any, teenagers that have spiritual interest. They are far and few between. The GB definitely don't have a hold on the kids like they did when I was a kid or even further back in the day. They are so disconnected that it is extremely noticeable.

    The next time I am going to say may upset a few. We usually think of JW's having no critical thinking skills, question nothing the GB say etc... I'm going to venture to say that a lot do. In the US at least. I'd say that more than you think are questioning, have doubts or are just straight up are staying for family reasons. It's hard to tell since everyone is afraid to talk but I feel like a lot have a bigger clue about the things going on then we'd imagine.

    I'll update with more information soon.

  • joe134cd
    I think underneath all the cherry smiles and nodding heads there is a nasty dirty underbelly. Will it grow to the point where it will explode? Time will tell.
  • elderINewton


    your comment on the younger ones, shows me how disconnected they really are to what is happening with the JW kids. The vast majority google or bing JW and find out TTATT. It is not the video games or movies, they know they have to play nice knowing the real meal deal.

    I wondered if they (the GB) were so deluded not to see the information age is making them irrelevant.

  • sir82

    Combining a couple of your points, the "divide" between the "spiritually strong" and "spiritually weak" is most apparent in kids, well, anyone under the age of 25 or 30 or so (hmmm, that might give away my approximate age....).

    In my experience, about 75-80% of kids are "weak", and will either bug out completely as soon as financially able, or just hang on as "low hour publishers" to time indefinite.

    That leaves about 20-25% who are viewed as "strong". Out of that number, I'd say 80 or 90% are mostly in it for show. They use pioneering as a cover for doing whatever the heck they want to, and oblivious mom & dad are funding their party-on lifestyles. Until they get caught or slip up, which is pretty much inevitable.

    As noted above, there is no longer is any "middle ground" among the kids, unlike in my day, 30+ years ago (gulp!). I and most of my peers were in that still-evident "middle" back then - those are the elders & pioneers today.

    That leaves, in my estimation, maybe 1 in 20 kids (at most) who truly take the whole thing seriously.

    And with 1st world recruitment at a standstill, that bodes for an intense local congregation leadership crisis much sooner that later.

  • nowwhat?

    Unfortunately in my congregation it's about 90% super dubs and in the ohio area it seems 90% of the teenagers are baptised.

  • goingthruthemotions

    has for me and out son's, we only go because of my wife. if today she said that she never wanted to go back. I guarantee, we would never go back.

    i am sure there are many that would say like i say:

    Joining this cult was the worse mistake of my life. it is a captive organization, i am being held captive.


  • Magnum

    Thanks. Any info on the financial status of the org?

    Keep the updates coming.

    I can confirm first hand that the only real growth is coming from undeveloped countries.

    That certainly seems right. How could there possibly be growth in developed nations?

    We have often heard on here that the GB are now "rock stars". I have witnessed this first hand. I'm talking about a mob circling around them when they are at an event. Pictures, signatures the whole sha-bang. They almost get knocked over at times for how close a large group of people are around them. When they walk in the hallways, and do not want to be bothered, they actually have "body guards" around them

    And I believe they are addicted to it. From time to time, some on this site mention that they feel that the GB don't really profit financially from the org. Well, maybe not, but they certainly get other benefits. Where else could they go - where else could Splane or Lett or Morris or Herd go - and be like rock stars? Without JWdom, they'd be like pudgy old Walmart greeters; nobody'd pay them a lick of attention.

  • thedepressedsoul
    Thanks. Any info on the financial status of the org?
    Keep the updates coming.

    Money is pretty much being asked freely all the time now. The KM, WT, and broadcast. Every time I turn around I am being hit with, "giving of your material things".

    It all points to they are either already in financial trouble or something is coming that they are aware of that is going to cost them big. My bet, a combination of the two.

  • Dagney
    We have often heard on here that the GB are now "rock stars". I have witnessed this first hand. I'm talking about a mob circling around them when they are at an event. Pictures, signatures the whole sha-bang. They almost get knocked over at times for how close a large group of people are around them. When they walk in the hallways, and do not want to be bothered, they actually have "body guards" around them. They are most likely just brothers in suits but they still ask the "friends" to move out of the way as they come through. They can't walk down the hall way alone without getting mobbed.

    This is just how they planned it. They have repeated ad nauseam how special they are, and how Jah is whispering in their ear all the time. The old regime, they still made that claim, but also would say they could be wrong, and they were real characters. These new guys are so full of themselves...I can't see how anybody can stand to watch them. But they do. I guess they need to.

  • Oubliette

    TDS: more than you think are questioning, have doubts or are just straight up are staying for family reasons. It's hard to tell since everyone is afraid to talk

    This first part of this is great news, the second not so much. It only underscores how powerful the threat of shunning is: it keeps people maintaining of facade of belief only to prevent being cast out and lose their family and friends.

    Keep the updates coming.

    In the meantime, let's review: It's a cult!

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