Favourite female heroes in film ...

by LoveUniHateExams 88 Replies latest social entertainment

  • watson

    Heather Graham as Roller Girl!

  • Abaddon


    Okay, you just lost all credibility there. You’re totally schooled about Rey’s knowledge of the ‘Falcon and of starship engineering being shown in actual film dialogue, and now you disregard that because your head canon can’t stand the dialogue implies her backstory must allow her gaining such knowledge. Rey is a competent engineer, but you can’t even see the in film reason she was hanging around on a planet scavenging rather than shipping out.

    Basically you have started with an opinion and worked out rather than using the facts in the film to develop an opinion.

    So, how does, in this specfic example (low income US black families) someone have equal opportunity?

    I’m curious. School funding is largely local taxes. In the US people tend to live in a highly segregated fashion. This means largely black population areas have poorly funded schools whereas white majority population areas have higher average income, high receipt of local taxes, better funded schools.

    This one simple example - education throught the United States - is deeply unequal in opportunity. I can given you plenty more.

    So, no, if you’ve not done the research and not been exposed to such inequality of opportunity you might think that ‘generally’ there is equality of opportunity.

  • Abaddon


    I missed out Yoda. But, based on a qualitative statement by a person who had met ALL of them, Rey is No. 2 and Kylo is No. 1.

    Just because TPM says little Ani was the most powerful doesn’t mean he would always remain so. His grandson is apparently more powerful. And a whiney little shit.

    It’s SW, it’s messy and inconsistent, but Luke’s assessment in the most recent and unambiguous.

  • cofty

    Some people getting really wound up about children's cartoons here.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    You’re totally schooled about Rey’s knowledge of the ‘Falcon and of starship engineering being shown in actual film dialogue, and now you disregard that because your head canon can’t stand the dialogue implies her backstory must allow her gaining such knowledge - no. The only pieces of dialogue was in the Falcon when Rey said 'it puts too much stress on the hyperdrive' and something about Unkar Plutt installing a fuel pump. Before that, nothing. Scavenger Rey was shown cleaning salvaged parts, that's all. The writer decided to make Rey a competent engineer, just like that. Just like he decided to make her great at languages, a great pilot, a great light saber fighter, a great shot with a pistol, great at mentally resisting Kylo Ren, great at playing Jedi mind tricks ...

    But the writer should have given Rey better tits. I thought Rey's tits were too small.

    Rey is a competent engineer - yes, Rey's great at everything. She can pick anything up, first time.

    In short, Rey's a Mary Sue.

    This is great for feminists but boring for just about everyone else.

    you have started with an opinion and worked out rather than using the facts in the film to develop an opinion - nope, I started with a blank slate and got my opinion after watching the film multiple times. You may find this difficult to believe because my opinion's different from yours but it's true.

    Re the equality of opportunity issue, that's a bit off-topic but I'll give some kind of response here.

    You're trying to make it a race issue when it's much more complicated than that. Over here in the UK and Europe, it's illegal to discriminate against a person because of race. America must have something similar.

    There are many factors why black families have lower income than white families.

    The high percentage of single mothers in the African-American community is one. Another one might be ... and brace yourself because this may offend ... laziness might be a factor. Middle America generally obeys the law, pays taxes, values education, holds down jobs and thinks about careers. What percentage of Middle America is black? There are no signs saying 'whites only' but black people have to reach out and grab opportunities. They, like most other people, have to work hard to achieve things.

    Another factor might be criminality. To have steady family income, people need to stick at a job and live within the law. Stat after stat shows black people, specifically black males of employment age, over-represented in crime stats. Black people make up 35% of Chicago but commit 70% of the crimes in that city.

    Another factor may be bigotry within the African-American community. Black people who obey the law, go to uni and plan for a great career are sometimes looked down upon by other black people and accused of 'acting white.'

    Lastly, Asian-Americans, a minority, have a higher average income than whites. Why is this? Presumably Asian-Americans get no preferential treatment, some go to good schools and some go to bad schools ... just like black people.

  • _Morpheus
    I missed out Yoda. But, based on a qualitative statement by a person who had met ALL of them, Rey is No. 2 and Kylo is No. 1.

    ok, nonchalantly dismissing the fact that you missed the most powerful samurai, sorry “jedi”, on your list discredits you quite a bit.

    Let me also point out a huge flaw in your logic: luke didn't know any of them at their peak. obi wan was an old man, so old that tarkin said “surely he must be dead by now”. Vader himself said “your powers are weak, old man”. Vader had been nurfed tremendously after mustafar, so much so obi wan described him as “more machine than man now”. He was no longer capable of besting the emperor. Yoda was months from dying of old age.

    Luke knew none of them at their peak.

    According to starwars lore, anikin was pure power. A vergence. You dont have to like it. You dont even have to accept it, but thats the way it was written and your refusal to deal with it only emphasizes my point. The newer movies have completetly undone the lore of the originals and when someone tries to point it out fan boys of the newer movies melt down. Again, dont blame me for understanding and following along with the plot lines of the originals and being disastified with the changes of the new movies. Dont blame me for seeing the lack of consistency and the inability to stay true to the world originally created.

    Some people getting really wound up about children's cartoons here.

    1) its not a cartoon, its live action.

    2) its not for children, its historical fiction. Its based on actual events that happened a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

    Try to keep up.

  • flipper

    Is this a Star Wars thread or Favorite female heroes film stars thread ? But I digress.

    Nobody has mentioned Meryl Streep yet. One of my favorite actresses. Played a great hero in Silkwood, also exposing the pedophile priest in the movie Doubt. She's played lots of parts where she was a strong woman, hero parts.

    Also even though she's older Sally Field played lots of hero parts like Norma Rae . There's been some really great actresses through the years. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • TD

    Nobody has mentioned Meryl Streep yet. One of my favorite actresses

    Yes. Like Cate Blanchett and Tom Hanks, she is good at almost everything she does.

  • _Morpheus
    Is this a Star Wars thread or Favorite female heroes film stars thread ? But I digress

    sorry, i didnt realize you being ignored. Was there an actress you wanted to mention that you were prevented from discussing?

  • TD

    I'm a little hazy about the whole, Mary Sue/Gary Stu thing even after reading the definition.

    Would it be fair to say it's when a character does not seem to have come by their abilities in anything resembling an honest or plausible way?

    For example, in the series, The Unit the character Bob Brown after missing a shot in a training exercise, practices on the range until his hands are bloody. (Most large caliber pistols bite) When he makes an impossible shot, our minds flash back to that image.

    In contrast, for years and years, the character James Bond seemed to be an expert on damn near everything, including pistol shooting despite the fact that his leisure time was almost entirely devoted to drinking and womanizing. Would James Bond of the Sean Connery / Roger Moore era be a "Gary Stu?"

    Or would his character flaws disqualify him?

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