“White Privilege”

by minimus 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000
    I don't think it is. Anyone can make it and be successful, the formula is a very simple one:

    Sure, but I don't think that conflicts with what I said. I'm simply saying that the majority of middle class and especially upper middle class is white, this does not mean that anybody else can't join it if they pull the right levers in life.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    More people need to notice that diversity is only important when it’s helping to destroy white countries and white cultures ……. all others must be allowed to maintain their monocultures, and never be forced to compromise their moral beliefs for “cultural reasons”

  • Hotpepper

    I got cheated out of a few good City jobs in the 1980's . Because of the 1/3 black quota's. All because I got arrested for a fist fight in the street

    I know first hand about reverse discrimination. I should be retired now for 5 years. I can thank affirmative action for that. Today the New York subway and bus system is 85 % black. Because management today is all black. And they hate to hire White's ,no matter how high they score on the civil service tests

  • minimus

    Wait til reparations happen!

  • hoser

    I don’t believe anyone is privileged. The reason can be seen in siblings coming from the same family. Some have economic success. Others don’t fare so well. Why is that? Choices of who you marry, how hard you work, whether you choose to smoke or drink and how well you manage your money all can determine your success.

  • MeanMrMustard
    Wait til reparations happen!

    Wait til reparations are ineffectual, like treating the sick with leeches.

  • redvip2000
    I don’t believe anyone is privileged. The reason can be seen in siblings coming from the same family. Some have economic success. Others don’t fare so well. Why is that?

    So just because there are cases where some people are not able to make use of what they have going for them, that means they never had an advantage?

    If you and I are running the 100 meter dash, and I start 10 meters ahead of you, but you have worked out and watched you diet, and ended up passing me and won, this mean I didn't have an advantage to begin with?

    You know that's nonsense.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @redvip2000: Some people start 10 meters ahead because their daddy is rich, so what, that doesn't mean you get to shoot your opponent or cheat, it also doesn't mean you should be guaranteed to win because you don't want to train.

    There are plenty of 'rich' black families and plenty of 'poor' white families, everyone has equality in opportunity in the US. If not, point me to the laws and policies in place today that are racist and keep people 'down'. And 'systemic racism' is just a god of the gaps, it's a religious precept, convenient but doesn't answer anything.

    If you want equality of outcome, you will need to reduce opportunity for one group over the other, the USSR tried communism, China is failing pretty hard at it too, unions, everywhere it has been tried, it has failed or brought with it bad consequences.

    And yes, look at the statistics, black women are more likely to succeed than any other group of college educated in the US and are actually overrepresented by a significant margin (20%). There are more black men represented (12%) than white men (35%) in college compared to racial representation in the general population (12% and 45%).

  • hoser

    If you and I are running the 100 meter dash, and I start 10 meters ahead of you, but you have worked out and watched you diet, and ended up passing me and won, this mean I didn't have an advantage to begin with?

    I’ve seen the video about the 100 meter dash.

    What does that have to do with the colour of my skin? Absolutely nothing.

    In Canada we have an Indian privilege. If you are Treaty native or Métis the taxpayers provide your college education. I don’t have that privilege because I was born with the wrong colour of skin.

    So the indigenous Canadian starts out 10 meters ahead of me because he didn’t have to take out student loans to pay for his degree. Is that your point redvip2000?

  • Simon
    Some people start 10 meters ahead because their daddy is rich, so what, that doesn't mean you get to shoot your opponent or cheat, it also doesn't mean you should be guaranteed to win because you don't want to train.

    This is where the churn comes in. Wealth is rarely maintained across generations (except for the very elite) because wealth is usually tied to some ability in business or whatever. Sometimes a rich daddy and lack of need to learn and excel creates kids that are useless and lose all the money, and the wheel of wealth revolves with a new family wealthy in their place.

    If immigrants with no history can arrive on a boat with literally nothing and no language skills, and create successful businesses, then anyone can succeed. If you're born in the US and have language skills and education you already have a massive head-start in life, regardless of your color.

    The worse thing that a kid in the US could have is a parent telling them the system is against them and a community telling them not to bother with school. The US is full of successful and wealthy black people. BLM and white privilege are both flip-sides of the same lie.

    In fact, black kids have an unfair advantage. If they are equally skilled and competent as a white kid they will get the corporate job every time. If their leaders are not educating them of that reality then their leaders are shit. But then everyone knows that already, right?

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