BEARE OF INDEPENDANCE - Leaked Talk On My YouTube Channel

by pale.emperor 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gbrn

    I'm saving for later. How recent was this talk given, just out of curiosity?

    Looking forward to you posting more!

  • ShirleyW




    three words that are seldom spelled properly, especially on this site

    and that's my rant for the day, couldn't help it

  • millie210

    Its easy to see why an independent spirit is something they lecture against.

    The amusing part is they pride themselves on being a break away (independent) religion from the christian mainstream.

  • pale.emperor

    I'm saving for later. How recent was this talk given, just out of curiosity?

    This talk was labelled as "Fall 2005". So it's 11 years old but still they were stressing against independent thinking way back then.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    " So it's 11 years old but still they were stressing against independent thinking way back then."

    When have they ever done otherwise?

  • Finkelstein

    The truth of the matter is this religoius organization was founded upon the spirit of independence by novice/amateur bible theologians C Russell and J Rutherford, these men were personally aggressive upon their own endeavor to be independent from main stream Christianity, namely Catholicism and Protestantism.

    They created this religoius organization/publishing house upon weakly and somewhat corruptly devised " End Times" doctrines, a tainted commercialized false Gospel.

  • blondie

    ShirleyW, JWN corrects my spelling, it puts a squiggly red line under the word.


  • blondie

    Of course, the WTS ignores that fact that Jesus was an independent thinker, he did not agree with the religious leaders when their teachings disagreed with the Hebrew scriptures or say that God had handed a new understanding through them.

    Mark 7:9-14

    9 Further, he said to them: “You skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.+ 10 For example, Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’+ and, ‘Let the one who speaks abusively of* his father or mother be put to death.’+ 11 But you say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother: “Whatever I have that could benefit you is corban (that is, a gift dedicated to God),”’ 12 you no longer let him do a single thing for his father or his mother.+ 13 Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down.+

    And when Jesus' disciples came to him and said he had hurt the feelings of the religious leaders,

    Matthew 15: 12-14
    12 Then the disciples came and said to him: “Do you know that the Pharisees were stumbled at hearing what you said?”+ 13 In reply he said: “Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted.

    14 Let them be. Blind guides is what they

  • are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”+
  • So was Jesus disgruntled? Did he murmur? The religious leaders thought so.

    w06 7/15 pp. 19-23 Focus on the Goodness of Jehovah’s Organization

    14 In modern times, a very small number among God’s people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have murmured against the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization. Why does this happen? Such murmuring is often caused by a lack of understanding of God’s way of doing things. The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his people. Hence, our understanding of the Scriptures is bound to be refined from time to time. The vast majority of Jehovah’s people rejoice over such refinements. A few become “righteous overmuch” and resent the changes. (Ecclesiastes 7:16) Pride may play a role, and some fall into the trap of independent thinking. Whatever the reason, such murmuring is hazardous, since it can draw us back into the world and its ways.

  • steve2

    Notice how little they reference that key text of yesteryear: 'Keep making sure of all things; hold fast to that which is fine.'

  • steve2

    Hearing these warnings about independent thinking makes me realize how much they've moved away from the spirit of 1 Thessalonians 5:21 :' Make sure of all things; hold fast to that which is fine.'

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