Does anyone think Jehovah is protecting the org. despite all the talk about THE ARC ?

by tor1500 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin
    Never mind. I think it's off-topic, and just my opinion. Take care.
  • zeb

    Fisherman. Look at the ARC website and review the actual accounts of beatings and rape given by the witness and then re read what you have just stated. Saying Jehovah will deal with it does not allow the human side to back out of reporting responsibility. Over 1000 cases of child abuse confessed to elders in Australia were admitted to the ARC and the elders did not report a single one to the Police.

    The scriptures say don't be concerned if you are delivered up to courts magistrates or Judges as to what you will say that the words will be given you. Well in the case of this ARC the spirit went walkabout as every elder fumbled and bumbled with their answers and nearly all had one line 'we would consult branch office'. Ask yourself where was Jehovah in all this. The wt lawyers tried every whiny slippery saying and trick to keep the GB member Jackson from appearing at the hearing. The Justice denied them and Jackson had to appear. Why were they so concerned at Jackson's appearance? Here was one of the top men. Who better to answer any questions who better to give an 'expert' witness of wt beliefs and actions or non-actions?

    One of the galling things that the young women said was she prayed to Jehovah that he would surround her bed with angels to keep her safe from the rape by her father. Well she said "He didn't."

    After a time her mother admitted that the same arsehole had violated her sister previously. eventually the 'dam' burst and the father was taken in by the Police. He was charged tried and sent to prison for apx 4.5 years.

  • Fisherman

    the human side to back out of reporting responsibility.

    WT must obey the law but they have always proclaimed that they must obey God as ruler rather than men. That is something that they have died for. And they mean business. Caesar will deal with the WT -not you buddy, no matter how much you hate them. That is what the judicial fact finding process is all about. The Courts there in Australia are dealing with the WT and it don't seem to me that they have any interest in injustice. RC means business too. Let them handle it chief. -And re-read my posts.

    This is not the first time that the WT has been under legal attack. Read about it.

  • Nicholaus Kopernicus
    Nicholaus Kopernicus

    As far as I am concerned, it is inconceivable that Almighty God is protecting the organisation of Jehovah's Witneses. The following two scriptures come to mind immediately....

    2 Thess. 2:11 - "So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie"

    Gal 6:7 - "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap"

    Rather, the WTBTS has become the dirty lollipop depicted in its main indocrination text, "What Does the Bible Really Teach". It is better for one's physical and mental health to distance oneself from that dirty lollipop!

  • smiddy

    Fisherman ...,Elders and MS, committed these crimes and they , the powers that be ,the G.B , .Legal ,dept. did not in any case in Australia , or in any Country overseas , did the Elders report Child sexual Abuse to the Law Enforcement Agencies , it has always been the policy to treat these situations in-house , and not to involve the police , social or child protection Agency`s , because they never did so .

    It also has to be noted that individual publishers in the congregation have been involved in child sexual abuse that the Elders have been involved in judicial Committee matters within the congregation and again it has been dealt with in -house , with no involvement with the police or Child protection Agency`s .

    We don`t want to bring reproach on Jehovah`s name .

    So nobody in the Elder , Ministerial , Governing Body or the Legal Department ,ever notified the police or Law Enforcement Bodies or Child Protection Services of the Abuse against children under their care,.

    And they never ever warned the public of a potential sex offender in their midst , who could still go door to door in the ministry ,failing the 2 witness rule , nor did they ever warn their own congregants of a potential sex offender in their own congregation .

    And that remains a fact to this day.


  • azor
    FISHERMAN - You are truly a disgusting individual. I wonder if your tone would be the same if your little girl had been treated as some of these little ones have. People like you remind me of the lengths jw minds go to in order to rationalize their beliefs.
  • John Free
    John Free
    'I would hate to be a WT enemy'- but you are a WT enemy, your posting on apostate sites and that is against their rules. What difference does being their enemy make? If you are stanch enemy or just an average person who doesn't want to join WT, you're going to get slaughtered the same way by Jesus and his lovely angels. so being an enemy makes no difference, unless you were just scaremongering- WT has taught you well.
  • Fisherman

    You are truly a disgusting individual.

    Because I posted that I trust that the RC is interested in justice and because you hate the WT? And because it is the business of the RC and the business of God to do justice and not yours? What's the matter with you! Are you sick?

  • Fisherman

    but you are a WT enemy, your posting on apostate sites and that is against their rules.

    Horse feathers. What are you afraid of? And what business is that of yours if I choose to post on this site.

  • Fisherman

    And that remains a fact to this day.

    Smid I do not know what the laws are in the UK but WT policy is same all over the world now for close 100 years. Can't recall when WT turned some sinner to the bobbies. Surprised the UK just recently became aware. But don't you worry none. I am sure justice will be done. Watch and see how everything plays out. RC will get to the bottom of this.

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