Circuit Overseer's visit and Body of Elders

by bola 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bola
    Who is more powerful out of the CO and the Body of Elders? I remembered a time I was a Reg. Pioneer and my Service Overseer in my congo was asking one of the regular pioneers during the meeting with the CO. How powerful is the CO to the Body of Elders and how powerful is the Body of Elders to the CO? I am just wondering, due to the fact that pubs are always busy during this period.
  • bola

    My Congo's Service Overseer told the Regular pioneer to keep quiet on some things so that the CO will not be aware of the matter.

  • waton

    When the green or golden handshake is in danger to turn brown, or transparent, the power balance shifts.

  • Overrated

    Always follow the money. Who has the most money has the power.

  • asp59

    Majority of co don't like conflicts. They go to congregations, give there talks, eat all the food and donations congregations give them. End of visit they say everything working wonderful in cong bla bla. Then there are the co that wanna make changes and improve things. They maeby remove elders or others misbehaving. But such co are very very rare. Once in a blue moon thing

  • BluesBrother

    It is rare, but it can happen because the C/O has authority,”executive authority “ I once heard it called by an instructor at a big elders meeting.

    The old time C.Os were more inclined to “kick ass” and revel in telling the elders to buck up. The young lads ( they do look young to me) they send round these days don’t want any trouble. Mind you the last couple of years they only drop in on Zoom.

  • waton

    corporate structure in the congregations might limit the visitors power. if the congregation "voted" to appoint the the 3 silverbacks permanently, is the Co/ branch going to court? publicly?

  • nowwhat?
    It's rare but once in awhile you get a "I'm the new sheriff in town" CO. That comes in makes sure the elders know he's the boss! And rips the congregation for being too materialistic.
  • punkofnice
    And rips the congregation for being too materialistic.

    And then the scrounging benefits cheat will stay at the most opulent house for hospitality.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's rare but once in awhile you get a "I'm the new sheriff in town" CO. That comes in makes sure the elders know he's the boss!~ NowWhat

    Usually if a BOE doesn't agree with what the CO is saying they usually just nod their heads in agreement and pretend to go along with it knowing that he'll be gone in 3 years (or less).

    Although I do remember one CO who came through and when all the Circuit Heavies just kind of ignored him, he went through the Circuit and replaced every Big Dog position in the circuit with someone who was not part of the Old Boys Club. One of the Old Boys that I knew was complaining 10 years later that they still hadn't "fixed" what this CO had "screwed up".

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