If Whites Are Inherently Racists.....

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    I wash my whites altogether.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    That's discrimination. Everyone does it when they discriminate between a £5 and a £10 note.

  • minimus

    Right you can’t separate or else you will be accused of discrimination.

    It reminds me of being in the congregation and hanging out with certain friends with very similar interests and views and being complained about because we did not include them on every outing or vacation. Too bad.👎

  • mikronboy

    Good response here to an accusation of racism: https://youtu.be/_jhQsp4Ow0A

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Tribalistic and Racist tendencies may well be innate. Racist thought that takes root and brings forth action is taught - but surely racist thought that takes root is innate?

    I think you and me have each got it half-right.

    There are aspects of racism that are innate; other aspects are taught.

  • minimus

    I’ve seen “ racist babies”. White “privileged baby” cries seeing black man. Gotta be a white racist baby, right?

  • Simon
    Racism is taught behaviour, as is religious belief, and the two go hand in hand quite often. Nobody is born Racist.
    We are born not conscious of race or colour as being anything remarkable. We are born Atheists.

    Studies have shown this isn't true as a blanket statement. Even babies / very young toddlers have shown to have preferences. I think in one study they were shown to prefer playing with a white doll ... even the black ones.

    While there's undoubtedly a type of racism that is indoctrinated, there are also learned behaviors based on personal experiences that can color (1 point) people's opinions of others.

    So it's not just a black and white (2 points) issue.

    The reality is that most people have some natural bias because it is, well, natural. What matters is how people behave and try to treat people with respect and give people chances, but most people's behavior betrays the bias when it's deemed to be nothing directly todo with race but where race is a factor (e.g. choices in dating apps).

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    How can a person be born atheist?

    Does it mean they don't believe in maths? Cause they can't do maths immediately after being born.

    Jesus' followers were called the mathete. It means learners. Its a Greek word. In Latin its disciple. The disciples as learners were not atheist, neither was Jesus.

  • Simon
    How can a person be born atheist?

    Surely it's the default state, if you haven't been taught any "deity"?

    There's a reason that most children take up the same religion as their parents. It's not that they just "happen" to believe the same thing.

  • minimus

    I think atheism is a conscious belief in no God. Babies aren’t there.

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