What’s Wrong With President Biden?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    The nature of some of the posts on jehovahs-witness.com might partly be explained by the concept of tribalism.

  • minimus

    President Biden says he used to drive an 18 wheeler! Why does he say stupid things like this.

  • Incognito

    Why does he say stupid things like that? Because to a mind that is effected by mental illness, reality is whatever pops in at that moment.

  • minimus

    You think he suffers from mental illness??

  • Incognito

    Dementia is the broad name fot mental disease that includes Alzheimers, Lewy Body, Vascular, FTD and Parkinson's.

    Often, there can be other traits that accompany dementia including poor judgement, a false sense of reality, false memories and wrongful accusations.

  • minimus

    Seems like dementia is it then!

  • pistolpete

    President Biden says he used to drive an 18 wheeler! Why does he say stupid things like this.

    In one of his speeches he said he used to drive a 17 wheeler.

  • minimus

    Now Biden gave his address and didn’t sound confused. I think in the middle of the day he reads the teleprompter pretty well.

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