Great Tribulation and Trump

by TakeOffTheCrown 193 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fisherman

    You understand that there's a conflict between the Bible and the observable world history,

    You have not shown that

    And that is my point.

    You miss the point. You have not shown with verifiable evidence that the the flood contradicts the Bible. You need to prove that the Noah's flood did not occur. If you feel that not knowing how 2370 turned into Egypt is verifiable proof, you need to show that too. You have only shown that the building of the pyramids need an explanation but that does not disprove the flood or dependent on that explanation.

  • Fisherman

    Prologos he could have given satan the power to make snakes walk and talk-- and he did. cover everest with water in 2370 bc, when he was supposed to be resting.

    'Schnell, I do not know the answer, any explanation anyone can try to give is speculation.'

  • schnell

    So how do you get from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?

  • Fisherman

    So how do you get from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?

    I have already answered your question. The tie breaker is proof that you do not have. and until you show different the BIble stands.

  • schnell

    No, see, nonbelievers do have an explanation, and proof of that explanation. Your explanation is. . . The supernatural. Quaint.

    Have fun in the cult, Fisherman! Let me know when you get that judgment day tract.

  • Fisherman

    nonbelievers do have an explanation

    It ain't proof.

    and proof of that explanation

    I have not seen it

    Your explanation is. . . The supernatural. Quaint.

    The flood was a physical event.

    Because you cannot disprove the flood, you shift the burden of proof back to me, repeating the same question dozens of times because you cannot produce conclusive verifiable evidence contradicting the flood event. Show me verifiable evidence. Questions and arguments is not proof. Since you have nothing to show you resort to ridicule. But the Bible stands!

  • schnell

    Do some research on Google.

  • Vanderhoven7


    Shut up... I am responding to your interpretations of the GT. Let'ts stick with that. I want to focus on that and not waste time on remarks about wt from you.

    I see that you don't want to discuss the fact that your leaders have no credentials to back up their claims to spiritual authority. That's fine with me. So let's look at their fallible teaching that the great tribulation of Matthew 24 has dual fulfillment... despite the fact that Jesus said "or ever shall be" indicating future tribulations which will not be equal to that of 70 AD.

    Since you are expecting the great tribulation any day now, the question which you obviously are dodging remains: Are you praying that your flight will not be in winter or on a Sabbath? If not, why not?


  • Fisherman

    So again Fisherman, how often do you pray that your flight will not be in winter or on a Sabbath? What mountains around Judaea are you planning to run to. Do you bring an extra Jacket with you when you do roof work?

    The mountain I have always fled to is the most high: Psalms 11:1, 18:2, 62:7, 71:1-3, 91:9, 94:22, 144:2

    For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. .....until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. (Luke 17:30) 30 It will be the same on that day when the Son of man is revealed.

    Van, I do not see how parallels ('just as in the days of 70') do not apply in a modern day fulfillment of 70. Parousia is also a parallel of of the flood as Jesus points out similarities above. That is how I see it and thanks for your post. I understand your view.
  • Fisherman

    Van my post about GT did not post through. I will wait till tomorrow to see if it does. Also, I was not telling you directly "shut up" I meant it in a general sense alluding to my previous post. Meaning is axiomatic.

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