Marc O'Donell's statement: Lloyd and the conflict of Interest

by Diogenesister 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Diogenesister
    Ray Franzt All 3 of them are totally corrupt and not only they offered Lloyd a hiding place in Wilmslow, our congregation, but also crucial advise how to escape to Croatia and avoid criminal charges

    Do you know the name of the young girl involved? Was she a JW? If he was from your congregation did you know about all this when he left?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Yes I know the name of the girl!!!

  • Diogenesister
    SBF And Kim Silvio should be praised for speaking out. But overall Mark’s statement is good.
    I don’t like the statement from Ortez at all. I don’t care how many hours he has put into the documentary. If he truly puts victims first then he should state categorically that Lloyd will play no part in it. He asks for time to work out the “details”, but excluding Lloyd from the project is not a “detail”.

    Agree 100%. Mark should have mentioned support for Kim especially as she's feeling pretty low right now. She's probably copping hell from The Devotees and being right still doesn't make what she did easy.

    Ortez re tweeted Mark O'Donnell's statement - which is a bit nauseating because it means he's basically hedging his bets. What a creep. This isn't about standing by your mates. He can stand by him privately & be a friend, while at the same time addressing the fact that Lloyd should no longer be advocating for victims of CSA & rape, statutory or otherwise, and definitely should not be interviewing them. At least untill he gets therapy and educates himself about the Thai situation. There are 800,000 child prostitutes out of a total of nearly 2 million. That's almost HALF OF THEM.

    Ortez simply has his eye on the main chance imho.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Unlike Marco's statement his father was instrumental in helping him out, Marco not being an exjw can't understand how that works.His father along with the other snake elders in Wilmslow advised him to delay his statement for the ongoing investigation in Bramhall until he had safely escaped to Croatia.The girl was a jw but that's as far I will go now to protect her privacy.Look for updates on my youtube channel : JW Updates

  • Diogenesister

    Ray Franzt

    Sorry just quick question - So did this grooming incident happen before his marriage or have I got it completely confused?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    After his marriage whilst he was back in the UK. I hope there won't be a frenzy to identify the victim. She has hopefully put this behind her.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Like Mickey Mouse , I think is best we leave the poor girl alone...

  • slimboyfat

    If Ortez thinks he’ll have success giving Lloyd friendly criticism then he’s probably in for a shock. Lloyd can’t accept any criticism at all. Maybe in the very extreme circumstance of having no other friends left he might make an exception and pretend to accept constructive criticism, but it would be difficult for him to pull off.

    It’s amazing to think that if Lloyd had simply taken Kim’s advice to stay off social media then perhaps none of this would have come out. I am glad that it did come out! Lloyd has been causing ructions and havoc for years, he’s just managed to hide it well. I feel sorry for his family including his parents in law who must have love and patience of saints to go through all this.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Interesting video on page 1.

    It's also interesting that Lloyd didn't outright deny the youtube comment 'you were grooming 14 year olds'.

    Roy Devons deserves whatever's coming to him.

  • Nitty-Gritty

    I have a question.

    You're all talking about grooming the girl (she was 14 right) and about her being a victim. Pardon my ignorance and correct me if I'm wrong, since I don't know anything about the circumstances. Was this not a case that the girl had a crush on Lloyd and he encouraged it? Some girls are already very mature physically at that age and also are not backward about sex. In fact their hormones are raging. A guy of any age surely might feel flattered if a female likes him.

    Knowing about Lloyd's lack of moral restraint I can see he would not hold back reciprocating. So I'm not sure this would be called grooming.

    (Or it could be the other way around too. The girl may have felt flattered if she felt Lloyd liked her, and her lack of moral restraint let her reciprocate).

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