Another one bites the dust

by stillin 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • stillin

    A close-by young brother, actually your basic, garden-variety, sexually-repressed, 40-year old virgin in the congregation has been charged with sexual misconduct with a minor. I've known this guy since he was a kid and he has always been strange, in a nerdy kind of way. He always wants to sound knowledgeable and wise when he comments at meetings, but I think he is bi-polar and depressed about who he is in life. I probably sound sympathetic, and I am on some level. He has just been playing the roles in life and in conversation he has always been a bit of a chameleon, but I liked him just fine.

    No bail was set. That sounds pretty bad. I think a suicide watch might be in order.

  • smiddy3

    Any links to this case stillin ? has it got wide coverage ,or is it more of a local crime in a small community ?

    A mental health issue may be at play also ?

  • stillin

    Smiddy, it's a big splash in a small pond. No mention in the newspaper article about his religion, but of course, it's not over yet.

    Yes, I suspect that there are mental issues involved with his not being released on bail. I know that he has has meltdowns when he was in his twenties.

  • blondie

    I might add, pedophilism is not a mental illness. I am sorry about how he grew up, without any outside professional help evidently, but I hope he gets the help he needs to learn what he can do not to offend again allegedly. Remember that the victim now has a slew of emotional issues to deal with their whole life.

  • stillin

    Blondie, how would you categorize pedophilism if not as a mental illness? We all refer to these people as "sick." Not to suggest that there would be any sort of special consideration in sentencing a child molester, because murderers are "sick" too, as are kleptomaniacs, etc.

    Just wondering...

  • blondie

    Perhaps that statement was too strong. Based on growing up with a pedophile father, I am not so likely to have much empathy for pedophiles. I tend to have empathy only for the victims.

  • Vidiot

    I've heard of the proclivity towards CSA being compared to alcoholism... otherwise known as addiction, i.e. illness.

    There's also some evidence that the nurture instinct triggered by young children in normal adults gets confused with sexual attraction in pedophiles... i.e. bad head wiring.

    And it's a no-brainer by now that any subculture which heavily features sexual repression can't help but foster sexual deviancy, particularly in the type of individuals mentioned above.

    NOTE: please do not interpret anything I've just said as "sympathy for child abusers", holy shit.

    I'm reminding everyone that understanding how and why a problem happens better enables us to actively fight it.

    And I'm fully aware that there are full-on predators out there who are themselves fully aware of just how fucking horrible the things they do are, and absolutely seek out environments that enable said predation.

  • blondie

    I know that some people speak from what they have read, not necessarily having been a victim of child sexual abuse (by a parent no less) or closely known someone who has been. Besides my own experience, I worked in law enforcement for 8 years and processed all the arrests of pedophiles in my jurisdiction. I have heard all the stories of their past and how that led to them abusing child(ren). I can also tell you that 3/4 of those who were abused, do not go on to being abusers themselves. Everyone has a sob story, but in my opinion, this kind of abuse is even worse than literal murder. In the case of that kind of murder, you are dead, not living on in the pain of death day after day. Those that sexually abuse children, even their own children, have murdered the soul, the psyche, the sense of self, that can be pieced together somewhat, but can never be made whole again.

  • eyeuse2badub


    Ex-Madera Police dispatcher Martin Ramos gets 270 days in jail for sex crimes with 17-year-old


    is this the same guy?

    just saying!

  • blondie

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