After 52 years a Watchtower slave 9/11 gave me the push I needed to get out.

by new boy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    but it was 9/11 that showed me what the witnesses really feel about human lives and the future wished for.

    JWs believe the majority of mankind will be destroyed in a calamitous violent event which dead bodies will be strewn about left on the ground for birds and animals to feast upon.

    But we will be saved because we appeased Jah for supporting his earthly publishing house the Watchtower Corporation.

  • Nevuela

    Oh man, if I were you, Wayward, I would have been sorely tempted to call my mom up today and say "I thought the Great Tribulation was only supposed to last seven years? And I distinctly recall you telling me 9/11 was the beginning of the end... fifteen years ago!"

    (Apologies if your mom is no longer alive. I lost mine back in '09)

  • Nevuela

    My anointed roommate has told me on numerous occasions that God will be resurrecting EVERYONE, even Hitler. The reasoning is that, as per Scripture, death absolves everyone of their sins, and that Satan's final testing of mankind after the thousand years of paradise will reveal who will live forever and who will be destroyed. Anyone choosing to follow Satan then will be destroyed along with him, because after a thousand years, we're all supposed to achieve perfection, so for a perfect being to choose evil, there is no hope for them.

    So I really don't get all this insanity I hear all over the place about JW's believing billions will be destroyed at Armageddon. That completely contradicts what my roommate (and various other JW's I've known) has told me.


    Yep the contorted illogic ! Destroy billions and then resurrect - effectively in the "next instant" as death is like a sleep to start the shite all over again and then to be tested again only to be taken out in another Great Apostasy [according to the Revelation Climax [do you come here often/ Yes 4 times !] Book ]]

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    What you are describing sounds very much like my ex brother in law. I could see him joyful that soon Jehovah will destroy all these wicked people at Armageddon. Every time there was some tragic news event on the evening news it was like he was taking delight in the fact that thousands of people might be dying but this is the signs of the last days. Just sick. Even as a dub this would turn me off.

    I recall one of the last times I went to a convention, with my parents was shortly after 9/11. Some good elder friend of the family that we had known for years came over and talked to us. With the dubs the fact that I was not a good active dub was common knowledge so, he kinda mumbled something under his breath but loud enough for me to hear, "oh it is a wonder how some start coming back just because a couple planes flew into some buildings". You know that was my real wake up call as I don't think I went to too many more WT meetings or conventions after that.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    So I really don't get all this insanity I hear all over the place about JW's believing billions will be destroyed at Armageddon. That completely contradicts what my roommate (and various other JW's I've known) has told me.

    The way it was explained to me or my understanding of their teachings was that if you were destroyed at the big A, there is no second chance but all those that died before the big A would be resurrected to a paradise earth and given a second chance under perfect earth with no devil to tempt them. Then at the end of the six thousand year reign, the devil would be released to try and tempt away as many as he can. Then after some time, I guess when Jehovah feels that we have being tempted enough, the devil and all his followers would be destroyed forever. Makes sense to me....

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    I won't say that 9-11 was my tipping point, but the reaction of local dubs just seemed cruel and inhumane to me. They bordered on giddy with anticipation and excitement. The weight of the event and it's aftermath-- the fear, sadness, loss and grief seemed palpable to me.

    I went to a 9-11 Memorial yesterday. It hit me how disrespectful I had been as a JW of these first responders who have sworn to serve and protect, never acknowledging their sacrifice and that of their families. Looking into their eyes, shaking their hands and thanking each of them was a very moving experience. Many were tearing up. The sense of community fostered by ceremonies such as these is a beautiful thing. The cult steals this from its members.

    We can only hope that the inhumanity of this organization mascarading as a religion wakes up many more. Thank you for your post, new boy.

  • wannaexit

    I also remember a brother, who told my my husband he couldn't wait to get home tonight to see the death count. Made me sick and yes it truly shows what heartlessness among people that are supposed to be so loving.

  • ToesUp

    "oh it is a wonder how some start coming back just because a couple planes flew into some buildings".

    Wow...he actually said that? It really should not surprise me. I would have responded that "maybe I did return because of this event but I am leaving right now because of what YOU just said to me. I will NEVER return. I would rather be bird food than live forever with assho*es like you."

    What a "LOVING" bunch, eh?

    God...I am glad we are FREE!

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I honestly think Jehovers Witnesses take Shakespeare's " All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players" personally to their own perverted drama. Anyway a further and deeper reading of the play will find " we all have our exists". I am glad after 52 years as a watchtower slave, you found your exit " new boy"

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