Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!

by Beth Sarim 168 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scholar

    Anna Marina

    Watch out for Ezekiel 40:1 as at least one prominent chronologist regards this text as 'corrective' for the purposes of Chronology in defining the precise date of Jerusalem's Fall whether it was 586 or 587 BCE. WT scholars welcome the data that verse provides applicable only to either Nisan 10 593 BCE or Tishri 10 593 BCE. which confirms 607 BCE for the Fall.

    Indeed, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel were the prophets so we should listen to them and do the math which proves not only 607 BCE but 1914 CE.

    scholar JW emeritus

  • johnamos

    scholar, according to the following:

    When did Jehovah say he was going to call Babylon to account?

    What year did Jehovah call Babylon to account?

    [Jeremiah 25:11 And all this land will be reduced to ruins and will become an object of horror, and THESE NATIONS will have to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.”’ 12 ‘But when 70 years have been fulfilled, I will call to account the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’ declares Jehovah,]

    [8-1-81 WT p. 27-28 - “The idol-worshiping Babylonians now were in line for God’s judgment to be executed upon them. That happened in 539 B.C.E. when Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and the Persians.”]

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    ''Jerusalem could not have fallen in either 586 or 587 BCE for such dates do not agree with the Bible and secular history. The date 607 BCE is the only date that fully accounts for the 70 years of Jeremiah as fully ex[plained over many decades by the celebrated WT scholars.

    Carl Olaf Jonsson who wrote Gentile Times Reconsidered, the latest is the 4th edn., 2004 and fails to address fully the problem of the 70 years as a period of Exile-Servitude and Desolation and not just Babylonian supremacy or rulership and his date of 587 BCE conflicts with serious scholars who advocate 586 BCE''

    You make a good point. But myself, and others like Finklestein cannot buy it.

    The buffoons at the top of the Borg knew exactly what they were doing and have to be and are being exposed for it.

    We just cannot buy it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "Nice intellectually dishonest assertion there Scholar but we already heard that from the notably lying and corrupt men of the WTS/JWorg.

    It is imperative to note that the leading men of the WTS were not academically trained bible scholars, they were essentially novices running a publishing house, hence their pretentiously weak doctrines.

    As Scholar has admitted unity toward falsehoods is still unity, which means within the ideology of religion still equates to power and control for a few select men.. "

    They knew exactly what they were doing Finklestein. And have to answer for it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''If the Babylonians were such excellent record keepers then why is there no mention of Babylonian domination over Judah, a conquered territory for the period of 70 years?

    scholar JW"

    Again. Don't buy it. The wool was pulled down over our faces too long.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Apostate Scholar says .........

    that Exile ended in 537 BCE by means of Cyrus' Decree and the Exile

    lasted for 70 years so if we count back 70 years from 537 BCE then

    we arrive at the beginning of that Exile in 607 BCE

    Ya ya ya We've heard this tripe before, were ex-JWS remember

    The debate is about what year did Jerusalem fall or was destroyed the WTS says 607 BCE, the facts and accumulative evidence say 586 BCE.

    Nebuchadnezzar's annexation over Judea lasted approximately 68 years close to 70 .

    Such facts provide support for the 1914 CE

    The WTS intentionally wanted to make 1914 a significant year because it was made previously so by C T Russell by using Pyramidology .

    It sells nicely and the WTS has been selling this year still.

    Somehow these men didn't read the words of Jesus condemning his true faithful followers to make a time upon god's own sacred time .

  • scholar


    When did Jehovah say he was going to call Babylon to account?

    This statement is Jeremiah 25:12 and according to vs.1 of that chapter Jeremiah was given the word from Jehovah in the 4th year of Jehoiakim which in our calendar is 625 BCE according to accurate Bible Chronology'

    What year did Jehovah call Babylon to account?

    No year is specified in that prophecy in Jer. 25:12 only a time factor or event is specified and it was the opening clause :"But when 70 years have been fulfilled,". Most scholars and commentators suggest that these words were fulfilled in 539 BCE when Babylon fell under the Medo-Persian Empire. Sadly, this is mistaken for even though Babylon received a judgement from Jehovah in that year of 539 BCE as prophesied this specific prophecy could only have been fulfilled after the fall of Babylon with the end of the 70 years with the Return of the Exiles in 537 BCE ending the Exile as prophesied in Jer. 25:11; 29:10.

    This prophecy in vs. 12 clearly presents a details of the 'calling into account' which are 1. King Of Babylon 2. that nation 3. Land of Chaldeans. The judgement oracle centres around the 'land'-vs.13 and it enlarges the scope of this prophecy by referring to other nations , Next, in vs. 14 The prophecy states that nation of Babylon would become slaves of other nations. This means that the judgement oracle of 'calling into account would be fulfilled in the straits of times covering a long period of time as ancient history attest.

    scholar JW

  • scholar

    Beth Sarim

    You make a good point. But myself, and others like Finklestein cannot buy it.


    Why can't you buy it?

    Are you not intellectually honest?

    scholar JW

  • scholar

    Beth Sarim

    "Nice intellectually dishonest assertion there Scholar but we already heard that from the notably lying and corrupt men of the WTS/JWorg


    Please explain.

    scholar JW

  • scholar

    Beth Sarim

    If the Babylonians were such excellent record keepers then why is there no mention of Babylonian domination over Judah, a conquered territory for the period of 70 years?


    Why don't you buy it?

    scholar JW

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