The Governing Body KNOWS what Russia is going to do.

by pistolpete 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pistolpete

    GB Sanderson reminding the member what the Russian war is all about

  • Smiles

    JW leaders narcissistically teach they themselves are "spiritually" at the center of all major global events, and that the fate of the entire universe revolves around them.

    "Universal sovereignty" doctrine

  • FFGhost

    Pudge McGee thinks because he can haltingly speak at a Russian 202 level, he is the direct-from-Gawd pipeline for all information related to "the king of the north".

  • StephaneLaliberte
    JW leaders narcissistically teach they themselves are "spiritually" at the center of all major global events, and that the fate of the entire universe revolves around them.

    When I came to that realization, I awaken to the fact I was in a cult.

    I realized this when I visited Auschwitz. Millions of Jews murdered due to their race, millions of Catholics and protestants who resisted against the Nazis killed and murdered. But non of that matters to the Watchtower. What matters is the ~2,000 JWs who were murdered. Their sacrifice was certainly praise worthy and heroic, but they weren't the only ones who stood up for their values and against Hitler. Yet, when they talk about that period, they make it seem like they were the only righteous people in the world at that time.

    Prayers didn't stop Hitler, bombs, tanks, ships and guns used by courageous people did.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Had a chat with a dub the other day and she was telling me all about how the GB knew beforehand that Russia was going to go to war. She has herself convinced this is it.

    I mentioned that world war 2 was pretty bad and it didnt lead to armageddon and she informed me that armageddon couldnt occur until after the U.N. had been formed. Well, the U.N. was formed in 1945 but I guess thats a debate for another day.

    I get the feeling that the rank and file dubs are excited about whats happening right now. They always have to make it more than what it is and won't accept that its just another event in a long string of events that will never stop while humans exist. War, pandemics, poverty, crime, the list goes on.

    I know the war in Ukraine could escalate into something more dangerous and will most likely have repercussions for decades, but if it dies down, after a few years, will the dubs remember how certain they were it was the end?

  • pistolpete

    GB was wrong.

    Ukraine is ready to talk with Russia on ending the war.

  • Dane88

    Russia is not the king of the north (Gog of Magog). Turkey is. There are plenty of scriptures to back that up:

    "End-Time Kings"

    As a quick reminder, here is our official list of the kings of the north starting with the Roman Empire being number six per Revelation 17:10, 11.

    6) Roman Empire (not conquered by Germany)

    7) Germany (conquered, in part, by the USSR)

    8) USSR (disbanded)

    9) Russia and its allies (today)

    10) UN (Wild Beast)

    Here is that list with the 7th king being the nation that conquered the Roman Empire:

    6) Roman Empire (conquered by the Ottoman Turks)

    7) Ottoman Empire (which is Turkey and is still in power today north of Israel)

    8) UN (Wild Beast)

    Remember: Revelation 17:10, 11 tells us that there will only be seven kings, and then the wild beast (UN) makes an eighth king.

    Interesting Facts

    Rev 1:11 - The 7 congregations in Revelation were all in Turkey

    Rev 2:13 - Satan's throne (in the day of our lord / today) is in Pergamum, which is in Turkey

    Rev 9:14 - The four angels bound until their set hour to kill a third of the people "are bound at the great river Euphraʹtes." That river begins and has about 1/3 of its length in Turkey before it travels south though Syria and Iraq and then empties into the Persian Gulf.

    Ge 8:4 - Mt Ararat, where Noah's ark came to rest, is in far eastern Turkey.

    Ge 10:2 - Four of Noah's grandsons (Goʹmer, Maʹgog, Tuʹbal, and Meʹshech), the same ones spoken of in Ezekiel 38:2-6, took up residence and became four nations west of Mt Ararat, in Turkey.


  • fulano

    Dane, I recommend you to the writing department, what an insight!

  • Vidiot
    Smiles - "JW leaders narcissistically teach they themselves are 'spiritually' at the center of all major global events, and that the fate of the entire universe revolves around them."

    Like I've said many times...

    ...weird shit like that's an easy habit to fall into when you surround yourself solely with people who are never allowed to disagree with you.

  • PimoElder

    It’s amazing how they can have new light after the event and dubs think wow they predicted that exactly

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