PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?

by Terry 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Setting the scene

    Pastor Russell died in 1916.
    Those who had 'followed' him were known pejoratively as Russellites. You could call it a 'cult of personality' if you wanted to sneer. But the fact remains plenty of people subscribed to his magazine,The Watchtower, and read his 6 Studies in the Scriptures.

    A countdown clock was ticking

    Would the Watchtower Society of Bible Students be "up for grabs"? Would a new leader be able to step into Russell's shoes and continue his work, or would everyone go their separate ways?Would the failure of Armageddon in 1914 turn these true believers away? What could unite the flock and keep them busy and distracted while the Judge Rutherford takeover occurred?


    Enter Judge Rutherford on a whirlwind!

    Rutherford had to pump up the home team and rally them around the countdown clock to Armageddon.

    The audience was listening!

    What could the Judge say that would keep the butts in the seats and prevent divisions from happening which would turn people away?


    September 25, 1920, The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die” by J. F. Rutherford in Los Angeles on February 24, 1918.

    What was this all about?

    Rutherford, by creating a COUNTDOWN MECHANISM leading to 1925,

    bought himself time to consolidate power.


    The 1925 date came and went, but Rutherford had taken over inside a space of eight years, and that was "mission accomplished."
    The "oracle" of the Watchtower, Fred Franz, was not one to be daunted by failure or misinterpretation in his calculations. No way!

    Freddy Franz kept at it. You can hear him thinking out loud . . .

    "Now, just for the sake of argument, let's say that *maybe* somehow our calculations are only one JUBILEE cycle off."

    The a big smile brightens his face.

    "Look what we get: 1975!"


    In the meantime, the Watchtower tore off a piece of the failed Countdown and used it as a way of lighting the fuse to Armageddon.

    What was that fuse? The "generations" teaching.

    "How would you feel if proof is given that what you believe is wrong? For example, say that you were in a car, traveling for the first time to a certain place. You have a road map, but you have not taken the time to check it carefully. Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not? What if someone points out the error? What if he, by referring to your own map, shows that you are on the wrong road? Would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. Avoid the broad road to destruction; get on the narrow road to life."

    You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, pgs. 32-33


    "Generation" GIMMICK EXPLAINED

    As the people who had seen the events of 1914 began to age and die, Jehovah's Witnesses would look at their extinction as a fuse burning to Armageddon. Why? Judge Rutherford had said millions of them would never die!

    - Awake! 1962 Sept 22 p.27 - "The word "generation" at Matthew 24:34 is to be viewed in an ordinary sense, as at Acts 13:36 and Mark 8:12. Acts 13:36 speaks of David's very own generation, a literal generation. The generation of persons living in Jesus' time, who sought a sign, according to Mark 8:12, was a literal generation. That a symbolic application to a "generation" of wicked persons is not meant at Matthew 24:34 is apparent when we read the preceding verse: "Likewise, also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors." Since Jesus was foretelling conditions prevailing now at the world's time of the end, the generation now living is the one to which he pointed forward in his prophecy of the last days.

    - w75 5/1 p. 277 par. 22 Why We Have Not Been Told "That Day and Hour"

    Which "generation" is that? The one that has witnessed the events in fulfillment of prophecy since 1914 C.E. There is no doubt about the truthfulness of what Jesus said. Forcefully he added: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away."

    The Watchtower and especially Fred Franz had painted themselves into a tight corner whereby they had made themselves TESTABLE as False Prophets!

    Notice how tightly reasoned and specific the following statement is made, in effect leaving NO room for a looser, sloppy overlapping generation.

    - Watchtower 1988 Oct 15 p.4 - "Might it be, though, that the sign could occur over the span of many human generations? No. The sign is to occur during one particular generation. The same generation that witnessed the beginning of the sign will also witness its climax in "a tribulation such as has not occurred from the beginning of the creation." Matthew, Mark, and Luke, recorded Jesus assurance of this.."

    Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

    Can you imagine the panic? The countdown clock is proving the Watchtower's claims of divine God channeling is dissolving every minute!

    Let us peek in and watch as they squirm and cheat!

    WT 54 10/15 p. 612 A Message of Encouragement and Value

    "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." What a consoling fact that is! All these things would happen in one generation! The sudden worsening of world conditions since World War I, which broke out forty years ago, was here foretold to end within one generation, within the lifetime of people who are now at least 40 years old!

    Awake! October 8 1968, page 13

    "Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the last days began. Even if we presume that youngsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914."

    ________ Watch these Jehovah-channeling-clowns set limits and then violate the limits set._____

    WT October 1, 1978, page 31

    "Thus, when it comes to the application in our time, the 'generation' logically would not apply to babies born during World War I."

    _________No babies, right? Watch what panic has done 10 years later_____

    Awake! April 8, 1988, page 14

    "Most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year or prior to it. ... Jesus' words will come true, "this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened"."

    _______Eventually, it is way too embarrassing, and this happens______

    WT April 15, 2010, "Holy Spirit's Role in the Outworking of Jehovah's Purpose". para 13 - 14: "How, then, are we to understand Jesus' words about "this generation"? He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation."


    Funny how that happened. This is the solution to their self-destruction.
    By destroying the definition of generation altogether, they've demonstrated intellectual dishonesty. Why?

    They could never confess to ignorance or human error! The GB has no humility.

    "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practiced to deceive."

    The New Testament begins with a really clear presentation of just how separate and distinct generations really were.

    The bible shows that generations did not 'overlap'


    Mat 1:17 "All the generations, then, from Abraham until David were 14 generations; from David until the

    deportation to Babylon, 14 generations; from the deportation to Babylon until the Christ, 14 generations."


    The intellectual dishonesty of the Watchtower religion is nowhere more

    evident than by this switcheroo which lasted almost 100 years, like the Chinese water torture!
    Rather than come out and admit they didn't have a clue--they pretended to know until it was obvious

    to everybody.

    This is an Organization of nitwits!

  • Listener
    The boardroom meeting where they discussed this idea would have been fascinating to hear.
  • SpiritualGal08
    Excellent synopsis!
  • Terry

    The boardroom meeting where they discussed this idea would have been fascinating to hear.

    The closest we ever got to the "fly on the wall" was in Ray Franz's writings.

    His preconceived idea of what the GB meetings would be and how spiritually the protocol would be conducted was a deflating experience.

  • Finkelstein

    The false commercialized doctrines created by Russell continued on with appealing revisions throughout the 20th century, propagated as being true and accurate bible interpretative understanding and giving the stamp of certification by the WTS leaders themselves by saying they are Jehovah's solemnly chosen organization..

    The exploitation of the bible is the core construct of how the WTS was able to draw a measure of attention to its expressed doctrines and hold them as bible truths.

    The accuracy of these purposed doctrines can be pulled apart as not being bible truths or correct scripture interpretation by even laymen bible readers or non academic bible theologians.

  • Listener
    Ray Franz was disappointed that the bible was rarely used. There's no evidence of it being used in the case of the generation teaching. Splane even told his audience to come up with their own scriptures that they think might apply, it doesn't get much crazier than that.
  • Hecce
    Thanks, just brilliant
  • sparky1

    I believe that lid came off the paint can and the painting of themselves into a corner began with the QUESTIONS FROM READERS in the September 1, 1952 WATCHTOWER magazine. On page 542 the question was posed:

    "Your publications point out that the battle of Armageddon will come in this generation, and that this generation began A.D. 1914. Scripturally, how long is a generation?" - G. P., Liberia

    Answer: "Webster's unabridged dictionary gives, in part, this definition of generation: 'The average lifetime of man, or the ordinary period of time at which one rank follows another, or father is succeeded by child; an age. A generation is usually taken to be about 33 years.' But the Bible is not so specific. It gives no number of years for a generation. And in Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32, the texts mentioning the generation the question refers to, we are not to take generation as meaning the average time for one generation to be succeeded by the next, as Webster's does in it's 33 year approximation; but rather more like Webster's first quoted definition, 'the average lifetime of man'. Three or even four generations may be living at the same time, their lives overlapping. (Ps. 78:4; 145:4) Before the Noachian flood the life span was hundreds of years. Down through the centuries since, it has varied, and even now is different in different countries. The Bible does speak of man's days as being threescore and ten or fourscore years; bit it assigns no specific number of years to a generation.-Ps.90:10

    Even if it did, we could not calculate from such a figure the date of Armageddon, for the texts here under discussion do not say God's battle comes right at the end of this generation, but before it's end. To try and say how many years before it's end would be speculative. The texts merely set a limit that is sufficiently definite for all present practical purposes. Some persons living in A.D. 1914 when the series of foretold events began will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon. All the events will come within the span of a generation. There are hundreds of millions of persons living now that were living in 1914, and many millions of these persons could yet live a score or more years. Just when the lives of the majority of them will be cut short by Armageddon we cannot say."

  • Finkelstein

    Lets face it making up dates such as 1874 and 1914 helped to draw attention even more so to the literature the WTS published by all of its leading editorial writers. What becomes bit alarming is the bible clearly warms of men to set or calculate dates upon god's own sacred time by Jesus's own admonishment

    Plain and simple the WTS built and expanded its organization by using deception, fear mongering and exploitation of the basic belief in the bible, that would be an accurate biblical truth and understanding.

    The history of the WTS is starting to catch up to itself for now people can look back at this organization and see what it has done, which in all common sense is hype, deceive and bullshit for over 100 years since its very beginning as a religious publishing house.

  • zeb

    Terry, what an excellent concise posting.

    All this so the wts can stand before the Christ returned (supposedly) and say look here what a great job we did.

    Their arrogance is beyond belief.

    If and that is a very big "IF" they were to admit to their being wrong all these years and it would have to be in a wt study then the rank and file would have to accept it and then they the r&f would be thrust in a second back on their own resources as to how to live conduct themselves (no more shunning) and pursue life in all its variables of education, diet, relations with a broader community around them.

    Frankly with such a massive culture shock I would see then a sunami of mental breakdowns, the same heading to over worked doctors for medications and as we have seen post '75 a huge % going for alcohol abuse with all its attended woes. Did I say suicides?

    Spiritual guidance? feed the hungry, house the poor, shelter the orphans; do unto each other as ye would have them do unto you....................... and stop forever the practise of making fool predictions!

    I am ever more thankful each day I am out of it.!

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