NEW PEW Research data on Jehovah's Witnesses just released

by Balaamsass2 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    If this is accurate, the stat below is the most poignant,startling, and interesting to me.

    "Jehovah’s Witnesses have a low retention rate relative to other U.S. religious groups. Among all U.S. adults who were raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses, two-thirds (66%) no longer identify with the group. By contrast, about two-thirds of those who were raised as evangelical Protestants (65%) and Mormons (64%) still say they are members of those respective groups.

    On the flip side, about two-thirds (65%) of current adult Jehovah’s Witnesses are converts – like Prince, they were raised in another faith."

    What a turnover rate!? Once again, if correct, this makes a lot of sense. This tells me that their witness campaigns work if 65% of members are converts, but unfortunately, for leadership, it's all a wash because they can't keep members around as 66% of born-ins leave. It definitely makes sense regarding their stagnant growth.

  • Wild_Thing
    My money in on the dubs not understanding the questions. Seriously, have you attempted to have a discussion with a Dub that required reasoning on their part?

    DataDog, that is exactly what I thought!. I also wondered if most JWs even understand the differences in ideologies between conservatives, moderates, and liberals. I'm sure if any of them would even know how to answer the question.

  • talesin

    I noted that 50% believe in Heaven. Shouldn't ALL JWS believe in Heaven, even though they aren't going there? I mean, Christ will reign in Heaven with the 144,000, correct?

    That indicated to me that there is confusion in the R&F, and they can't even answer a basic question.

    Good to read you, BA. xx : ))

  • TheOldHippie

    "That indicated to me that there is confusion in the R&F, and they can't even answer a basic question."

    I don't think you should make such a hasty comment. It all depends on how the question was asked and perceived by the respondent. "Do you believe in Heaven?" - Do I understand that question as whether I believe I am going to Heaven, or as if there is a Heaven whereto others are going. If asked questions directed in a general sense to religious people or people interested in society, I would easily respond that I am Liberal, that I am an Environmentalist, that I have sympathy for those carrying out direct actions for liberating animals from harsh conditions in zoos, circuses, fur production units, that I think Obama is good but stopped by an opposing Parliament, that I am awe-and fearstruck by the fact that Trump and Cruz are two alternatives for Presidency, that Mrs. Clinton seems like a slick politician etc. etc.

    "Basic question"? - the more one thinks about seemingly easy-to-understand questions, the less easy to understand or basic they become. Where 20 years ago I would say Yes or No, I today would say that it might, but that one has to consider this and that etc. Basic questions are few.

  • talesin

    TheOldHippie, I looked up the question. You are very correct. For a Jehovah's Witness, this would be confusing to answer. Great Crowd? no 144,000? yes ... which to chooose? It really shows that the PEW researchers have little understanding of JW doctrine. Once again, I need to doubt the efficacy of a PEW survey. It's disappointing. Thanks for pointing that out. (I didn't read the politics part of your comment.)

    [bold is mine]

    ASK ALL: Q.G5
    Do you think there is a heaven, where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded?
    1 Yes
    2 No
    3 Other (VOL)
    9 Don’t know/refused (VOL.)

    Do JWs believe in Heaven, where good people are eternally rewarded?

    This BASIC question should have recieved a 100% "YES!" That fact that it did not, proves beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the R&F lack reasoning skills or the "Cult-think" interferes with their ability to reason.

    Let's put on our "reasoning caps", shall we?

    Q: Do Dubs believe in Heaven?

    A: Yes. ( 100% of dubs should agree. )

    Q: Do good people go to Heaven?

    A: Yes. ( If GOD chooses you to rule in Heaven, doesn't he consider you "good", at least to some degree, even though you are imperfect? Being a "true xian" requires leading a "good" life. Again, 100% of dubs should agree.)

    Q: Are those good people eternally rewarded in Heaven?

    A: Yes. ( According to Dub doctrine, once you make to Heaven, you are there forever. If that's not "eternal", what is? Again, 100% agreement on this basic teaching should be reflected in the poll.)

    There is absolutely nothing wrong, misleading, or confusing about the above question. There is, however, something wrong with Dubs.


  • FayeDunaway

    The question was not just for Jehovah's witnesses but for people of all religions. Jehovah's witnesses who like to say their 'truth is so simple' actually have very complicated beliefs and it's not easy to get at what they believe through a general questionnaire.

    Old hippie, I don't know if you're a practicing witness or not but you're definitely not neutral :).

  • sir82

    Do you think there is a heaven, where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded?
    1 Yes
    2 No
    3 Other (VOL)
    9 Don’t know/refused (VOL.)

    This is exactly what I was referring to.

    This question is far, far FAR different, for a JW, than "Do you believe in heaven?"

    JW doctrine explicitly states that heaven is NOT "where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded".

    0% of JWs should believe that. JWs teach that those who go to heaven are the "anointed" who are not selected based on their "goodness".

    But the much different question, "Do you believe in heaven" should be answered "yes" by 100% of JWs.

    This appears to be an example of a huge disconnect between what was asked, and what is reported.


    "...for a JW..", is the key phrase. It's not a hard question.

    Do Dubs believe in Heaven? YES! 100% That's where Jeehipity lives!

    Do good people go there? YES! 100% True Xian members of the 144,000 must be "good" to recieve the reward! You can't be "bad" and make it to Heaven! Therefore, you must be "not bad."

    Is that reward for eternity? YES! 100% The GB and lesser "anointed" gain immortality.

    Why the confusion? Who is "good" in JWism? Nobody, not even Jesus claimed to be good. LOL!!

    There is nothing wrong with the question. Dubs have been conditioned to ignore the process of reason. Especially if "critical thinking" could damage your faith in the GB...err, I mean, Jesus....oh...(shit...), the SLAVE!


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