Why the NFL Protest Is a Massive and Insulting Failure

by freemindfade 117 Replies latest social current

  • hothabanero


    Kaepernick stated many times that his reasons for kneeling was to bring attention to police brutality against African-Americans.

    That is a pretty racist thing to say. Also it is based on a false narrative.

  • cofty

    Why is police brutality against African-Americans more worthy of attention than police brutality against white Americans? The USA seems to have a problem with too many unsuitable police officers in general.

    Can you imagine the outrage if the nurse who refused to take a blood test without consent had been black!

  • Hecce
    I 'heard' they make money regardless if anyone is in the stadium!

    Not for long, 1/4 of a stadium empty will hurt the pockets of owners, sponsors, concessions, TV and everyone involved. Wait until contract time renewal comes, plus the loss of commercial opportunities as spokesmen.

  • sir82

    Those are actually good questions. I would recommend doing some research from unbiased sources to try to find the answers.

  • LV101

    Hecce -- good news! I couldn't believe they were so flippid about fans in the stands disappearing. They do have lots of avenues of revenue but I'm sure it affects their pockets at some point.

  • cofty
    I would recommend doing some research from unbiased sources to try to find the answers

    I did. The facts do not seem to support the narrative of racism.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    "Also, I agree Trump stepping in and stirring the pot seems to be a distraction"

    No, President Trump is not the distraction, he is the issue. His unlimited narcissism is dangerous and counterproductive. He injects himself in the news and makes them much bigger all the time. I didn't know a thing about the kneeling until Trump open his mouth. The protest would have died down, but our wise president craves attention too much to let that happen.

  • freemindfade

    Sir are facts racist? because they say this is a totally false narrative?

  • Hecce
    never a jw
    I didn't know a thing about the kneeling until Trump open his mouth.

    The fact that you didn't know about it doesn't mean that the problem was not there. It has been going on for one year and it was picking up steam before the President's comments.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    "I did. The facts do not seem to support the narrative of racism."

    Agree, but we are moving towards a world that is very divided along color lines and nationalities. And the causes of this division go back hundreds of years, millennia even. We can all say is not my problem that others see offense and racism where there is none. However, it's everyone's problem, even when others overreact. We have to act wisely to change misunderstandings or errors of perception. Trump and his supporters, as well as others on the other side of the political spectrum, only make things worse. These situations have ramifications that will affect everyone's quality of life.

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