Did I open the gate to the realm of demons?

by redpilltwice 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • redpilltwice

    This is what happened.

    I had a sore tendon in my wrist. I could work with it, but nevertheless the pain was there. A collegue of mine also suffered from it, but much, much worse, up to the point that she needed to wear a brace and almost reported sick in order to seek more professional medical care.

    Suddenly the brace was gone, and she told everyone at work she had recovered. This all happened before my fade as a JW, so, full of suspicion and WT indoctrination, I asked her what exactly had happened. She told me in private that a particular client had healed her by touching her wrist. I had an immediate "AH, SEE? I KNEW IT!" feeling, knowing that would do anything to distract people from god's commandments

    Again, I HAD a sore tendon in my wrist, because... ((((here it comes, prepare yourselves for this)))) ........ I visited this client as well and you know what? THE PAIN IS GONE! The lady just needed a picture of me and by gently pressing my wrist and closing her eyes, the pain simply disappeared!

    Before you all ask...

    - She didn't ask money.

    - She didn't say a prayer.

    - I don't have nightmares nor do I hear voices since.

    Thanks to this forum I'm very close to agnosticism now so I'm not afraid of demons and witchcraft, but we all know the negative WT view on this matter.

    Any similar experiences? How do you explain this? Please share!

  • stuckinarut2

    Maybe she just pulled out the large thorn poking into your wrist?

  • redpilltwice

    stockinarut2 lol The only thorn is in my heart, inflicted by the false WT teachings

    The question remains: How did she do it and how does it work?

  • OrphanCrow
    redpill: The question remains: How did she do it and how does it work?

    She may not have done it, not really. You may have been the one to do it. Her interaction with you may have just allowed your brain to re-interpret the signals it was receiving.

    Our brains are complex things...and they aren't always that accurate in interpreting what it happening inside our bodies, especially when it comes to pain. Pain perception is a personal and mysterious phenomena - we all experience pain differently and pain is something that eludes precise scientific measurement.

    It is possible that you really didn't have anything at all wrong with your wrist - you may have been experiencing sympathetic pain or a psychological pain that your brain was perceiving as physical - and the mere suggestion that the pain could disappear was enough for your brain to interpret reality correctly.

    Voila! Magical healing...only thing was...you did it yourself. Your brain may have been 're-set' so that it was able perceive what was really going on.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    Seemingly miraculous events that JW attribute to demons are attributed to angels by other people - and vice versa.

    We already know JW don't really know anything about anything...so probably their ideas about demons are wrong as well.

    I tend to think like OrphanCrow on this, but I can't offer any evidence to back it up.

    Of course, even if the explanation stays unknown, there is no reason to conclude that it thus must have been demons/angels/aliens/karma/whatever.

  • millie210

    You remember the story of Jesus healing the woman with the flow of blood? The story begins with him feeling an energy drain when she touched him. An anemic woman would naturally be low in vital energy.

    There is an entire school of thought that energy flows like electricity. From higher to lower, stronger to weaker etc.

    The example above is just one most of us are familiar with. Many secular and other religious resources report similar stories.

    So what if the question is not "does it exist" (energy moving from one source to another)

    but "what is the source"?

    I personally think it is a simple part of the natural world. Just like barometric pressure and tides and so on.

    Some people seem to have more energy naturally, just like some people can sing or excel at math or art. IF they have this abundance of energy and IF they are aware of it, then what is the harm if that energy is transferred in a way that creates extra blood flow (healing) to someones wrist?

    The idea that there are unseen forces that can tap in to this and use it to manipulate humans is really a separate topic in my opinion.

    The world has always had healers. That is the plain and simple of it. Many times it gets tied to religion like many other things that cant be explained.

    That doesnt mean it should be though, in the interest of accuracy.

    There is also the placebo effect that OrphanCrow mentioned above. Papers have been written on many cures effected this way. The brain is a powerful thing, as is our natural world that we have such limited knowledge of.

    I think you can relax and enjoy your wrist feeling better with no side effects! Hooray!

  • OrphanCrow
    AndersAnderson: I tend to think like OrphanCrow on this, but I can't offer any evidence to back it up

    Two very good books about pain:

    When Pain Strikes edited by Bill Burns, Cathy Busby, Kim Sawchuk

    The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World by Elaine Scarry

  • OrphanCrow

    Millie, I agree with what you are saying. I know people who seem to have an abundance of electrical energy that flows through them and are able to use this electricity to stimulate other people's circulatory systems.

    Eh...it runs in my family. My mother has hands like that and so does my son. Healing hands, apparently...that is what they have been told they have. Must be true...my mother made a good living from reflexology and massage. Her massages didn't work on me but...I think she really just wanted to hurt me. Healing hands can do the opposite too

  • millie210

    I agree with you too Orphan lol!

    I was sitting here reflecting on other examples of this phenomenon.

    the "horse whisperers" would be one I think. Those amazing people who are able to cross the barrier and effectively communicate with animals (not just horses either).

    Seaman who can tell you the weather that is coming MUCH more accurately than weathermen.

    Then we have examples of animals that show amazing abilities to vacate an area before a storm and so on.

    So much we dont know but can still appreciate and benefit from.

  • OrphanCrow
    Then we have examples of animals that show amazing abilities to vacate an area before a storm and so on.

    Barometric changes in the environment. Eardrums attuned to those changes...and a brain that perceives the changes as danger. Look to the birds...they will tell you if a storm is coming

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