The radicals make me feel like I have to defend Trump when I don't want to because of their crazy lies.

by JimmyYoung 17 Replies latest social current

  • JimmyYoung

    As I have stated in other posts I voted for Trump because he said he would crack down on illegals while the left was trying to open the flood gates and let them in to destroy the nation. Was he the one I wanted in 16, no I was hoping for Cruz. He is arrogant but smart and somewhat polished and had many views like I do. But one can never get a candidate they agree 100 percent with. The left ran the most disgusting, abrasive, annoying loud mouth skankles Clinton and it was a no contest for me. Do I cringe when Trump says hyperbole? Yep I do. But I don't judge him on his ramblings that really are just rude and not well thought through. I judge him on what he does not what the liars at CNN or PMSNBC say. I don't agree with Trump on his every thought. But over all he is better than other candidates that have run for the job. Take Romney, he is a rich boy [and I know Trump is also] that has never worked a day in his life, belongs to a cult, and is one limp dick of a person. He was the classic I will tell you what you want to hear then do what I want. Obama who I voted for because I was not happy with W who I also voted for, for going into Iraq and not thinking that one through. He gave Iran the middle east in that move. Obama turned to his true colors when he was voted in to blame the white guy first, the cops are the bad ones and more of the tired old liberal crap. I lived through the Jimmy Carter years where he was such a limp dick and still is that he could not take care of Iran when they perpetrated and act of war on the USA in 79. I listen to talk radio and I agree with things the right believe in, but when they call out the Democrats for untiring the Japanese its BS. There is much more to it than being an armchair quarterback. When they call FDR a Socialist or LBJ a Socialist for Medicare I get ticked off. Also I liked Reagan and did not vote I was just 18 at the time but I heard his BS record on Medicare was going to destroy the USA as we knew it. That was pure propaganda even though I liked Reagan on many of his ideas. We have let the radicals take over our country and you have the right that want to make you go to church and believe that a church will take care of you when you are sick or the left that wants to take down crosses in memorial to WW1 because they are so narrow minded. The same people on the right who want to jail people on the left for bombings like the Weathermen carried out will jump for joy when a Dr is shot in the back of the head in his church because he preforms abortions. I get so sick of this ideological crap.

    If you want to believe in god that is your right to freely do so, Its my right to own a gun and shoot, any guy I want, Its the right of a woman to have an abortion in the first trimester when its not a life but a pile of goo, but then you have the idiots on the left who want to have the right to have a baby that is born and if the mother decides to kill it they snip its neck. no fucking way. I have found in my life travels the common sense is anything but common. You have people on the left who want to take down monuments to men and women who fought and died for a cause of the civil war. Good god people its 165 years ago leave it alone. Or some on the far right who want to bring back segregation. Even freedom of speech is under attack by both sides if you don't agree with them. This is the epitome of stupid.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It usually helps to get things "off your chest". Hope you feel better now.

  • oppostate

    did that really come from the chest though? Cause it sounded more like it smelled bad. Your politics are more churned than last nights chili for dinner. Sounded more to me like a surprisingly loud belch LOL and you need some antacid for The Bern that's coming LOL

  • minimus

    Nobody is perfect. I’ll take Trump over the “competition “ any day!

  • JW_Researcher

    Nobody is perfect. I’ll take Trump over the “competition “ any day!

    This is, basically, my view. We had to listen to 8 years of how articulate and messiah-like Obama was. The haters should just suck it up while The Orange One does his stuff.

    I've moved my exercise time to coincide with his news conferences. Even when he is "reading" and the most boring...he is STILL way better than Hillary and her ilk.

    Since, really, there are only two teams... I have to be with The Orange One. The economic growth and reduction in unemployment was nothing short of astounding....and that after the haters predicted Trump would crash the markets.

    Orange Man is a loud, obnoxious, opinionated, narcissist. But...he seems to get things done. The seasoning of "not PC" is icing on the cake.

    Just my two cents. You may feel differently. :-)

  • LongHairGal


    I am inclined to agree with you. Trump (who is a businessman and not a politician) got elected under unusual circumstances- such as a mess left by his predecessor!

    So, I am not particularly interested in his personality, past history- but just in him doing his job. I’m GLAD he’s not ‘politically correct’.. He didn’t invent the coronavirus (although some idiots would like to say that). I watched along with everybody else the relentless attacks by the leftist/democrats/worthless media for the last three years.

    I have read a lot of criticisms of Trump and maybe a few were fair criticisms.

    As for those who said his actions now are only because he ‘wants to be re-elected’: you mean to tell me the other side isn’t doing this as well??...The rest of the criticisms are just infantile garbage regurgitated. Democrats and the left just hated Trump from day one and it would not matter what he did or said. They were determined to attack and undermine him and I am sick of their hypocritical bullshit. This is why I have no interest in anything they say.

    I just pray we get through this crisis.

  • minimus

    JW I like it!!

  • Simon

    Even if Trump isn't the president you want, he's the president you need (and regardless of whether you agree or not, he's the president you have.

    Remember, you could now have in charge the woman who couldn't get in a van unattended, who couldn't send troops to an embassy in a timely manner and who was part of two of the most scandalous administrations ever to hold office. She would have imported crates of Coronavirus if China paid her enough.

    Dodged a bullet.

  • minimus

    Simon, you cannot say negative things about Hillary Clinton here. Cmon now .🤓

  • 2+2=5

    I actually find the Hilary jokes go over very lightly round here, the bitch is an easy target

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