Do JWs think Jesus was a liar or just a fool?

by TTWSYF 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Not alot of love or respect for Jesus, his apostles or HIS church from the JWs.

    Did he build His church on sand or have fools in charge that couldn't get out of their own way?

  • sir82

    JWs don't pay much attention to the guy.

    His job seems to be to pretty much to sit on a throne and do nothing while ruling a kingdom which does nothing.

    He's also a part-time sort of intergalactic telephone-prayer operator - your prayer only "counts" if you mumble "in Jesus name, amen" at the end.

    JWs enjoy talking about his 3-1/2 year "earthly ministry", but only insofar as he set a "good example" for JWs by being a "full time servant".

  • Giordano

    I always found it interesting that the Society does not remind everyone that he didn't start his Ministry until he was baptized when he was 30 years old. The WT Society of course prefers to lock in that deal these days with children or at least young teens.

    One reason Jesus is usually ignored is that the WTBTS has this irritating habit of quoting scripture from the Old Testament a book written for Jews by Jews. In doing so the WT has followed all other fundamental Christian religions in elevating the OT as being on par with the New Testament. That the Hebrew scriptures........ it's commands and observations........ are as binding as anything written in the Gospels and the writings of Paul and others in the NT.

    While certain traditional Hebrew codes of conduct were featured by Jesus........ It was Paul who established the code of conduct that was necessary to fashion a new belief and one that elevated Jesus as divine.

    The Society can not milk the ministry of Jesus and his inconvenient 'truths' so he has not been as respected or elevated into a position of final authority in all matters.

    The WTBTS started and remained a publishing house until 1931 when it decided to become an official religion. By that time it had mastered the ability to build any argument about anything by cherry picking scriptures much of which had little to do with Jesus. And many that were ripped out of context.

    Many of the policies and beliefs of the JW's were never mentioned by Jesus.

  • elbib
    Jesus oughtrightly rejected all those operating in his name--including those preaching on behalf of him. (Mathew 7:21-23) Naturally, a preaching organization will have problem making Jesus their pet.
  • Lieu


    2. Well he doesn't know when the big A is coming but the GB have claimed at times they do.

    3. Allegedly 100 yrs into the 1000 yr reign and no seasons of refreshing yet.

    4. Maybe the GB think he's eating and drinking anew with the Apostles while life still sucks for a lot of humanity in the Kingdom.

    5. Too many parables about forgiving wayward people out having sexytime. Doesn't jive with their teachings.

    6. Too much about really doing charitable works. Paying out of pocket for injured strangers and feeding people listening to long talks. Giving up your clothes to someone in need. Rubbish! A magazine will suffice.

    7. There's talk of doom and gloom, but not enough. All that love and forgiveness keeps getting in the way. He simply doesn't throw enough rocks.

    8. That whole humility thing of washing feet, not lording over each other, or that insane women getting the straight 'dope' first while men get parables first thing. .. Preposterous!

    9. Unburdensome yokes, light loads? No way ... need more rules and for every little thing.

    10. Jesus was too nice. Forgiving Peter for denying being a friend. Pffft!

    They remind me of the evil servants that kill the Kings son thinking they'll get his inheritance. Too much talk of following Christ and you're bound to notice that whole beating his sheep thing.

    Paul they follow. A mass murdering "convert" that stays single and reproaches people for transgressions far far less than his own. Doom and gloom. Kinda like a former smoker ... highly annoying.

  • Diogenesister
    Lieu hey remind me of the evil servants that kill the Kings son thinking they'll get his inheritance. Too much talk of following Christ and you're bound to notice that whole beating his sheep thing.
    Paul they follow. A mass murdering "convert" that stays single and reproaches people for transgressions far far less than his own. Doom and gloom. Kinda like a former smoker ... highly annoying.

    LOL! Perfect analogy!!

  • Vidiot

    TTWYSF - "Do JWs think Jesus was a liar or just a fool?"


    More like a useful pet.

    I have heard JWs say that they honor the son same as the Father,[ in accordance with the scriptures], but I've never seen that in action.
  • fulltimestudent
    TTWSYF : Not a lot of love or respect for Jesus, his apostles or HIS church from the JWs.
    Did he build His church on sand or have fools in charge that couldn't get out of their own way?

    There's another perspective.

    That Jesus, under the influence of his deluded mother, was the of a long line of people to suffer the same delusion.

    As for 'fools in charge,' may I respectfully draw your attention to later Christians who thought it was a 'wise' way of spending your life, to live up a tree, like these guys:

    They were known as Dendrites:

    During the 4th century, from Upper Egypt to Syria, Palestine, and Arabia, various groups of ascetics formed around an abba, or “father” (from which “abbot” derives). In Syria, some monks went naked and in chains, lived on tall pillars (Stylites); nested in the branches of trees (Dendrites), or foraged in the woods like wild animals (Graziers).


    who may be Bishop Paul of Qanetos

    A fascinating paper on the Dendrites is: Kyle Smith “Dendrites and Other Standers in the ‘History of the Exploits of Bishop Paul of Qanetos and Priest John of Edessa’”
    “Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies”, Vol. 12.1, 117-134:

    “This paper summarizes evidence for tree-dwelling monks in late antiquity and outlines a little-known, fifth-century hagiography that has a peculiar focus on trees: the “History of the Exploits of Bishop Paul of Qanetos and Priest John of Edessa. In the text, there is an encounter with a long-bearded dendrite living in a mountaintop tree and a duel with an Arabian tree-god. An edition of the text—along with an introduction and an annotated translation by Hans Arneson, Christine Luckritz-Marquis, and Kyle Smith—is in preparation.”

    Then there were the stylites:

    The first was probably Simeon Stylites the Elder, Who got up on top of a pillar sometime in 423 CE and stayed there until his death 37 years later. He used to a bucket to haul his food and water up, and then used the bucket to pass the waste down after it had passed through his system.

    Here he's represented (on the left) showing off his ulcerated leg, and on the right is a later imitator.

    Would you like me to go on with further examples of Christian ratbaggery ?

    We were of course, ALL deluded into making some sort of sacrifice of aspects of our lives. For my own part, I held close in mind this text, and I used to pray that I could be as faithful as the examples held out in Hebrews 11:36-38:

    36and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment. 37They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated 38(men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground.…

    What bloody fools we were.


    Interesting perspective fulltimestudent.

    Incredibly, in spite of these 4th century converted people, the church still grew to include some 20% of the entire world's population.

    And the church that was started by Jesus [,under the influence of his deluded mother], started an organization that compiled the most popular book ever written. Gave the world the college system, hospitals, foodbanks, homeless shelters, orphanages, the scientific method, and civil rights for ALL people. It's amazing when you think of how it all started, and yet continues. Of course, these are just observations

    Never heard of the tree dwelling Christains before

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