Don't have sexual fantasies! Today's watchtower...

by purrpurr 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • eyeuse2badub

    I wonder why the wt didn't cite the wonderful biblical example of fabulous King David, a man after jehober's own heart? I'm sure that the gb knows that David never had sexual fantasies regarding Bathsheba---right?

    Or how about the other wonderful bible characters that the wt so loves to point out as examples for christians today? I'm thinking Abraham-no sexual fantasies about Hagar, Sampson-no sexual fantasies about prostitutes, and let's not forget about poor old grief stricken Lot-no sexual fantasies about his 2 daughters!

    just saying!


  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster

    Of course people have sexual fantasies, so by saying you shouldn't have them, they're just making you feel guilty. The cult is all about tearing you down, making you feel less than, not good enough, bad. The only praise is for doing jehoohah's work, bothering people at their houses or on the streets with those carts. And even with that, it's never enough.

  • WTWizard

    And what about imposing a rule on joke-hova against enslaving whole planets of civilizations? That is what that thing is trying to do, and the fewer people think of sex, the easier it will be for that thing to exterminate and ruin the whole planet and sap our energy to destroy yet others. And by the way, anyone using the Grand Boasting Session as a source of inspiration will be using their soul toward the damnation of the whole planet. Try that with sexuality.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    heres one for the sisters---

  • Listener

    Well somebody could have told tight pants Tony before he started making sexual connections to Brothers wearing tight pants.

  • millie210
    The Watchtower today says not to think of sex, or to have sexual fantasies. I'm just wondering... how many people in the hall hearing this Watchtower today would be having sexual fantasies? Sitting there thinking about sister hottie or brother hunky ?
    As humans with functional sexual organs it's practically impossible to not think about sex it's how we are built. The Borg are basically setting the sheep up to fail.
    And do people really go to the elders about their sexual fantasies? Which is what the Watchtower is telling them to do?

    So how do they explain away the Song of Solomon?

    Its inspired you know...

  • scratchme1010

    The Watchtower today says not to think of sex, or to have sexual fantasies. I'm just wondering... how many people in the hall hearing this Watchtower today would be having sexual fantasies? Sitting there thinking about sister hottie or brother hunky ?

    As humans with functional sexual organs it's practically impossible to not think about sex it's how we are built. The Borg are basically setting the sheep up to fail.

    And do people really go to the elders about their sexual fantasies? Which is what the Watchtower is telling them to do?

    What I find extremely irresponsible, disrespectful and dangerous from them saying things like that, is the fact that there are people out there with mental health issues, some of which come from sexual abuse and sexual trauma. Statements like this can trigger a number of neurotic guilt related issues in some people. This causes harm to some people.

    The WT can't care less about harming people with severe issues, and there are many people (or at least there were back when i was in) in that organization who join because of their issues, wanting to bring peace of mind from the wrong source. It is very irresponsible from their part to expect people to not have their bodies and mind function the way they are wired. But it's just appalling that they don't even consider that there are people in their congregations with deeper issues related to their sexuality or with sexual abuse, where things like this can make things worse for them.

    Then at the same time, they have no problem constantly talking about fornication, adultery, homosexuality, rape, etc, as the Bible has so many graphic descriptions of sexual acts.

  • DesirousOfChange

    And do people really go to the elders about their sexual fantasies?

    I never had that happen when I was an Elder. [Dammit!] hell with fantasies, let me tell you about last night.........


  • blondie

    Is it a bad sexual fantasy if you are thinking about your spouse?

  • LisaRose

    That is what cults do, they demonize normal human behavior to make people feel guilty, because people who feel guilty are easier to manipulate.

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