Lame and werid sample presentations at the meeting

by purrpurr 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    Keep it up.

    The more the society dispenses strange stuff like this, the more people will wake up....

  • WTWizard

    Nothing like back when I was in. Back in the late 1980s, the presentations at least made sense. Huge lies, but at least ones that I could hold my ground against Pentecostals and/or born again xians. For sure, not getting through to them, but at least it didn't threaten my beliefs.

    These days, rubbish. Send them to worm-worm-worm dot jw dot borg, and hope they will take something from there and not immediately see the lies and damnation that lurks on virtually every article on that site. They raise a simple objection, it is a threat to your faith and not just a challenge to get them to change or a waste of your time.

  • blondie

    The problem is that most jws have no idea why they believe what they believe; they can't explain it to another jw let alone a non-jw. The presentations used to be written by COs who actually went door to door, required to put in pioneer hours (before that changed). COs tended to be better speakers than most elders and actually went door to door with the pioneers training them.

    How many jws actually contact someone at the door and get beyond the short intro they have used for 30 years?

  • Darkknight757

    That's right blondie. What's sad is that their "Paradise Earth" teaching has no real foundation in scripture and it is so foreign to people that it's a real hard sell.

    Lets read that same old crust Psalm 37:29 which upon research has nothing to do with earth but has everything to do with the land of Israel. Most people aren't dumb enough to believe that this is some promise that one day the earth will be a paradise. It's just a word of hope for a man that someday things will get better for his people, Israel.

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