Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?

by truth doubter 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth doubter
    truth doubter

    My son asked me 40 years ago. Should we be glad Adam sinned? Because if he hadn't, we would not be the person we are.

    Any opinions?

  • Half banana
    Half banana
    It was impossible for Adam to sin. He was just the character in a story.
  • cofty

    There was no Adam.

    We evolved from non-human ancestors over millions of years...

    On the other hand we are the winners in a competition for life. The sperm that carried half of our DNA was one of millions.

  • tim3l0rd

    Looking at if from the standpoint of how DNA is transmitted from man to woman and the practically infinite possible combinations of DNA, I'd say that any small change (even position during the act) would significantly decrease the likelihood of your existence. So, I'd say it would be highly improbable that the same person would exist if any predecessor made even the slightest change in his daily activities.

    You should watch "About Time". It's about a time traveler and it explores this idea a bit.

  • prologos
    We exist, because A&E could not resist. without people dying, procreation would have stopped long ago. but if you persist, The story is flawed starting at Gen. 1:1.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    It wasn't in God's plan. The world would have been to monotonous for God, no fun.

    He needed some amusement for the angelic folks.

  • atomant
    Just go's to show lifes a gamble.Every time god intervened he changed the course of history.
  • George One Time
    George One Time
    In case that story was correct, of course we wouldn't live but others would instead of us. And in case Adam and Eve would not sin, surely one of their offspring would. So the idea that the paradise was going to last was out of the question anyway (from a witness viewpoint).
  • Darkknight757

    Adam and Eve is just a story made up by someone to explain life as we know it.

    To believe in it would be the same as belief in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause. There is overwhelming proof that humans have been on earth much longer than a measly 6000 or so years AND that we evolved from a different life form.

  • goingthruthemotions

    the story Adam and Eve is a made up fairytale. so answer me this, who were the parents of cain's wife?

    where did his wife come from? yeah, it a made up story.

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