Leaked WT Elder Training Video

by Vanderhoven7 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FedUpJW

    Gawd, I hate those smug, self-righteous a--holes! People like that I would love to take a baseball bat to their ugly faces!

  • rh3988
    At the 1:04 mark...brother Elderman? Elder-Man? Is that some kind of subliminal message, or is it just bad writing? They should've named him Art Vandelay.
  • rh3988

    "Robbie, is there anything else you would like to tell us?"

    Elders LOVE asking that question. It really means, "We're assuming the worst of you, so tell us what you're hiding."

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    O M F G !

  • minimus

    I watched this and I must wonder do all JW elders talk like Stepford Wives? No real emotions. Who in life talks like this??

    Robbie is normal. He just doesn’t want to get disfellowshipped. And the black elder..,no way was he ever going to be hoodwinked by Robbie.

    Robbie was done before he ever went into the room.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Only a pretense at cutting him some slack.

    And as mentioned, no counseling in terms of his responsibilities to the girlfriend and their baby.

  • JWTom

    As has been said, do not tell the body of elders anything unless you want your personal life ruined.

  • cyberjesus

    You could tell that from the start.... he's already DFd, they are just trying to get all the dirty juice stuff out... so they can recall those thought later out... on marital debit night...

    This video trains the window washers to be like sniffing dogs... in search for drugs.... clinching and not let it go.

    Once an Elder in charge of a service table at bethel told me... "if you ever commit a sin.... just tell the elders you sinned ask them to DF you, tell them you cant talk about what you did" that's the fastest way to recover.

  • ThinkerBelle

    Ugh, couldn't even watch the whole thing...too familiar for me, except I was the girl. I vividly remember being told to have nothing to do with the guy if I wanted to come back and be happy. I was like...but he's the father, he has rights. Jokes on them though as I've been married to him for 16 years and finally woke up. So glad my kids won't have to ever be treated this way.

  • Fadeaway1962

    I take that Robbie dad's not an elder , would have been taken of microphone's for six months .

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